
Thursday, October 21


pleeeeease, if reading my blog influences you to do one thing today, let it be this:

to listen to this song about eggs.

warning: if you are in a space with other people and want to preserve your dignity in their eyes, do yourself a favor and plug in your earphones first.

the videoke-style lyrics at the bottom subtly invites fellow egg lovers to play this over and over and actually sing along. there is something rather disturbing about having such a rabid love of eggs.

i personally dislike eggs, but since i've been on this silly diet i've had to eat more of them. thankfully, i've found that making an omelet using spanish-style tuna makes them infinitely more tolerable.

i used to hate it whenever i'd come down to breakfast before school and my mom would have a sunny-side up egg sandwich ready for me to eat. you can't get mad, because of course it's your mother and she got up early to make breakfast for you. so down goes the egg sandwich in one big gulp. after 22 years you'd think she'd be able to tell which of her two daughters detests eggs with a passion, but nooo.

joseph/giuseppe used to make fantastic spanish omelettes (omelets?) back in seventh grade. it was always really nice how he'd bring them to school himself at lunchtime so they would still be hot and yummy. they'd be practically vacuum-packed in this tiny tupperware, which would just explode once opened. *POOF!* and a hot, fluffy, golden spanish omelette big enough for an entire class would leap out at you. i have yet to taste a spanish omelette of similar quality. take that, casa armas.

it's rather surprising how many egg memories i have. my mom used to organize these incredibly OC easter egg hunts for two (me and ate, duh). once when i was around five, she color-coded all the eggs to correspond to prizes, like a box of munchkins or a hundred bucks or a t-shirt (still have the shirt). of course there had to be two of each otherwise me or my sister would totally freak out.

as we got older, the egg hunts started involving other kids, like chiara, anna and angel (and all our yayas haha). we set aside a separate day for decorating our egg baskets (you know, where you put the eggs you find) and painting the eggs themselves. we had pink eggs, blue eggs, bronze, gold and silver eggs. i distinctly remember that one of us tried to make a johnny depp egg by gluing on cutouts from teenybopper magazines (circa 21 jumpstreet). i think my mom vetoed the idea.

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