
Thursday, November 25

FLAMES, the web version

Deepa Paul and Marlon Plazo
  • Trying to adopt three related children.
  • Hope to kiss when permitted.
  • Demonstrate their affection with skywriting and embracing.
Orchestrated by ianiceboy

uh, ok. whatever you say.

actually, it's more like:

  • trying to... LOSE WEIGHT.
  • hope to... LOSE WEIGHT.
  • demonstrate their affection with... MEALS AND CHOCOLATE. aray.
    let's try again, shall we?

    Deepa Catherine Paul and Marlon Plazo
    • Secretly adopted twenty-eight thousand identical kids.
    • Are prone to hug each other for the foreseeable future.
    • Are as one for tax purposes.
    Orchestrated by ianiceboy
what IS this hullaballoo about adoption?

ok, i agree with the perpetual hugging bit. :-)

happy me, boyfriend coming home this weekend for chocolate buffet at the pen. lalalalalala.

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