
Tuesday, January 18

When in doubt, fill out a survey

i could actually write about a lot of good things--cathy's wedding, dada's new baby, lunch with a good high school friend who i haven't seen since grad). but it's the end of the workday and i'm totally zonked. so you'll have to content yourself with another survey.

TEN random things about me

i eat raw instant noodles
i suck on ketchup packets from mcdonald's (ONLY mcdonald's)
my name means "light"
i have always wanted to have gray eyes
i have 24 pairs of shoes (with about 9 inactive/soon-to-go pairs)
i have long toes (pia calls them fingers)
i actually like sarah geronimo
i don't eat tomatoes
i don't eat cucumbers, for that matter

NINE places i've visited (RECENTLY)
the saturday organic market at velasquez park

old spaghetti house at valero
sir jojo's house (and his sleep-inducing room)
landmark, my shopping mecca
mango at rockwell, my other shopping mecca
san fernando, pampanga
the mandarin oriental hotel
jesus delgado memorial hospital (to see dada and her new baby)
church of the gesu in ateneo

EIGHT things I want to do before I die
go diving
own a diamond
be a singer
have children (please lord let there be more girls)
learn how to cook
build a personal library
go to india (and scandinavia, and greece, and palawan)
learn photography

SEVEN ways to win my heart
give me dark chocolate (marlon has this part down pat)
show that you're not afraid of being unconventional
be patient with me
allow me room to grow
have both deep and inane conversations with me about anything
cherish my quirks

SIX things I believe in
being moral
true love
the future
my own potential

FIVE things i'm afraid of
haven't we gone over this already? i'll just add two:
becoming a bitter/unfulfilled person

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom
my bookshelf
my pillows and comforter
rainbow-colored, woven square baskets where i dump my stuff
my mirror (surrounded by favorite pictures)

THREE things i do everyday
ride a tricycle
pick out accessories, a bag and shoes that match my outfit
write in my planner

TWO things i am trying not to do right now
eat sweets/carbs

ONE person i want to see right now
my boyfriend

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