
Sunday, February 13

What I learned from the EBU editors' conference

*how a washing machine works (optical sensors and buffer memory!)
*that you can buy extremely good LV fakes in shenzhen for below Php1,000--so good, in fact, that you can bring them to an LV store for repair and the staff won't know the difference
*that in a technical discussion about chips/wafers/soldering/physics, all the women will make snide comments and/or tune out. and only two or three guys will really be left talking.
*that i have big eagle eyes (so what's new?)
*that diets melt in the face of warm bread-and-butter pudding
*that the reason i kept oohing and aaahing over the lunch buffet ("winner! ang daming veggies!") was because i was the one who chose the menu pala.
*that the department secretaries may very well be bordering on piratable as copy eds.
*that i really, really like editing. or professional pang-ookray. same thing.
*that any excuse to be out of the office is good.
*that free food, for that matter, is also good.

More pics!

the presidential table (with flunkies)

editor queen at extreme right trying to restrain herself from intervening

editor queen gives in to her urge

master showman bal: journ 101

EBU editorial feeding program (especially tailored for rech hehe)

erg. double chin=resounding success of EBU editorial feeding program

zuma's daughters

zee fabulous turquoise mango jacket! isn't it loverly?

Special guests
sleeping beauty

sadako's next victim
the very promising next project for the fab five

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