
Thursday, February 24


sir jojo, this post is for you. pagalitan ba naman ako dahil wala akong bagong blog.

can i just say i hate having to use mozilla firefox. but i know that's because i'm an HTML idiot.


three things i loved about my first valentine's day celebration (which became, like my "birthweek", almost a week-long affair). one: marlon. naturally. two: the fact that he and i had a superfun celebration without killing ourselves to do something bongga. and three: a surplus of love, conversation, companionship, laughter and (unfortunately) food. as always.


valentine's weekend getaway: reminded me uncannily of gutsy's house, with a hint of guano haha

found these on my bed upon my return from my valentine getaway. ipanemas from my sister :-)

valentine bombers. the nasty f*cks lived and stored their explosives on my street. one was arrested in my friendly neighborhood 7-11. so tell me: who are the people in your neighborhood?

constantine. in modern-day los angeles, an immigrant girl is possessed by an evil demon. the immigrant is filipino. of course. the demon speaks tagalog. naturally.

demon: (writhing/projecting terror) patayin natin ssssilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
audience: ahhh. ok.

on the whole, i didn't think constantine was as bad as i heard it was. despite some roll-your-eyes moments, i thought it was better than some comic-book movies i've seen recently. some people thought it was just way too matrix, but i found that it smacked more of sandman than anything else (e.g. balthazar=mazikeen).

rachel weisz is almost as pretty as keanu (egad! he's forty! the icons of my youth are aging!). gabriel (played by emma thompson err cate blanchett este tilda swinton) is hip and more than a bit maudlin. and if anything, the movie at least gave me and marlon some discussion fodder.

in lust. i am currently hatching an evil plot to never return our june cover sample, the elio photojukebox from taiwan's tatung inc. it's a few steps short of an ipod, but it's a snazzy little thing nevertheless. it's not really the sound quality that has converted me. it's more the thought of how this thing is such a far cry from the only portable audio device i ever owned and religiously used (a clunky old walkman).

tatung was nice enough to send us a functioning player, complete with earphones, battery, charger, jpegs of zany taiwanese highschoolers and entire playlists of guns n' roses and shakira (go figure). so i spent a good part of one afternoon with the elio tucked in my jacket pocket, reliving my grade school days with said guns n' roses playlist.

yes, i was an 90's hair band kind of kid--aerosmith, guns n'roses, bon jovi, nelson, the works. one of the biggest arguments between me and my sister was when she actively prevented me from buying aerosmith's get a grip album in fourth or fifth grade just because it was "heavy metal". hah.

anyway. i have now listened to music on a 20GB, hard disk-based portable media player. and my little un-techy world will never be the same again.

birth control. my male dog seriously needs to be neutered. he's gotten our female dog pregnant AGAIN. our little three-bedroom houselet is about to become a kennel. i for one do not care to go through the whole rigmarole of walking my mom through a puppy goodbye. i did this with one puppy (roan, now batangas-based basti) and it was honestly one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. my mom staunchly believes that

1) it is impossibly cruel to separate a litter as this causes the dog irreparable emotional trauma,
2) we must simply bear with the mounting bedlam of five fast-growing puppies and two KSP adult dogs until we become bajillionaires, at which point all space considerations will simply melt away (uh, kailan kaya yon ano?), and that
3) outside of my family, all dog owners are stingy/careless/cruel/sadistic.

ang saya saya ano?

1 comment:


    hey rhiana! welcome to my blog. long time no see :-)

    mind if i link you up?
