
Wednesday, March 9

Foam party

this flood of pictures is from two minibreaks. yes, two weekends in a row -- i'm such a beach glutton. nakakabitin, eh.

the second weekend actually had pretty bad weather. cloud cover was extremely thick, and it rained for most of the second day. (i'm not even going to talk about the boat ride back to the mainland.) being a hard-core sun worshipper, i was crushed.

fortunately, the universe has a way of making up for these things. thus this series of pictures, and these beautiful memories:

... the sea in a soft, sparkling shade of turquoise that i'd never seen before (me, beach glutton since the age of three)
... three to four foot-high waves that positively thundered
... meters and meters of white sea foam kissing my toes
... sitting at the shoreline just to get pummeled by wave after wave (now i know from experience what 'the pounding surf' really means). not just pummeled, but log-rolled, tossed, and that onomatopoeic tagalog word: semplang
... swimming out past the breakers and letting the giant waves gently carry me back to shore

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me: god, look at that clear turquoise swell. it's like a curl of glass.
marlon: eeeeaaaghhh!

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he thoroughly enjoyed this. trust me.

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look at that ocean. LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!

whenever i see sea foam, by the way, i think of the original little mermaid story. she dies and turns into sea foam. sad no? during this weekend, though, the sea foam was more like the unicorns in the last unicorn. they were really galloping. whoever thought of showing the trapped unicorns as cresting waves was absolutely brilliant.

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i have to show one flattering picture of me to make up for this next one.

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the expression on my face should tell you all you need to know about the waves that day.

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bubble bath, anyone?

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ok fine. i may be a lazy beach slug, but i have to admit: i really enjoyed this.

my new suit is care of the enterprising beach bums at gypsy swimwear. it has to be the most flattering suit i've ever owned. it was sold to me in less than ten minutes flat. get thee to the mall! quick!

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