
Monday, March 7

Tequila sunsets -- drink up!

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my favorite shot is the one with the young dad and his baby girl (alam mo naman, ganyan talaga kaming mga fatherless). i will never tire of taking photos of glorious philippine sunsets. when i look at these, i feel so blessed to live in this country. this is way out in the province, so there's very little pollution around to give these sunsets that 'angry' red color you see in manila.

brownie points if you can guess which one was taken on a different day. :-)


  1. lovely pictures!! wish i could go to the beach sometime soon, too. the water looks so so so blue.

  2. wait till you see my upcoming sea foam and snorkeling pics. we're talking bright turquoise, like glass.

    i usually avoid the beach during summer (agoraphobia) but there's something to be said about how the sunshine makes the water look so fabulous.

    so... how are you? :D

  3. cool pictures! :) i miss the beach! its one of those things that ive taken for granted growing up near to it. sigh. buti pa dyan. its still damp, gloomy and quite chill here. feh.

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  5. I like the topmost pic. Reminds me of the the waters off Dive Planet in Anilao, Batangas at sunset. Crazy about sunsets but for one hitch: I turn deeply philosophical. Something like post-coital tristesse and all that. Thank heaven for Dive Instructors like Dave Santos who know the surefire cure for that: several bottles of shockingly cold (and physically very real!) San Mig Light.

    P.S. Another great spot for watching the sunset are the cliffs of Calatagan. Watch the lights on the ferries to Palawan and Mindoro and play John Klemmer's Glass Dolphins in the background. Better even when accompanied with either an Espresso or a Vodka Tonic. Ahhh.
