
Tuesday, April 12


book meme (was ist meme?) from gerwin.

(does the meme differ from the survey in that you have to be tagged to fill it out? in that case i'm missing the whole point huh? 'cause nobody's tagged me but here i am filling it out anyway. ergo i am sowing chaos in the blogosphere. nyahahaha)

you're stuck inside fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

was ist fahrenheit 451?

have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

oh lord yes. i bought madeleine l'engle's many waters when i was twelve or thirteen because the murry twins (sandy and dennys) on the cover looked soooo hot. one was in a little loincloth and the other was in an unbuttoned flannel shirt. rrrrrrarrr. (fyi it became one of my all-time favorite books. and i still don't know which twin i like better.)

the last book you bought is:

fast food fiction, an anthology edited by noelle q. de jesus. i bought it the last time i went out with justine, which was probably two months ago. it's still sitting in her car, unopened, in a brown paper bag.

the last book you've read:

a civil action by jonathan harr. not my usual reading matter, but my boyfriend's mom is a lawyer and he pilfered the book from her.

what are you currently reading?

this month's story on external cd/dvd drives. pweh. seriously, i'm not reading anything. i'm desperate for new reading material.

what will you be reading next?

jon diaz better bring wicked to rehearsal on thursday. i've been trying to borrow it, like, forever. also expecting a slew of fantasy books from gutsy's collection. she felt so sorry for me when i told her i've never read lloyd alexander.

next five books on your To Buy list

five lang? sige na nga.

  1. the consolations of philosophy by alain de botton
  2. something by anita shreve, my favorite cheesy writer.
  3. the time traveler's wife by audrey niffenegger
  4. life of pi by yann martel
  5. something by peter biddlecombe, a comic travel writer i've been wanting to try

this list should reflect my current level of stress. it's all light reading :P

five books you would take to a deserted island

  1. the giver by lois lowry
  2. a very long book, maybe the name of the rose by
  3. the right to write, a sort of writing workshop book that i saw on my mom's bookshelf. it will give me lots to do while waiting to be rescued.
  4. the art of travel by alain de botton
  5. a swiftly tilting planet by madeleine l'engle. this one is for hope. i may be able to use the rune and have gaudior spirit me back to civilization. heehee.
who will you pass this quiz to?

JASON! tag, you're it! (last-ditch attempt to play by the rules)

Another survey

from mika. this is how i like 'em: no silly rules.

i am: probably sick. i feel a fever coming on. i am also really disappointed as this means i will not get to go to the gym after work.

i miss: having lots of free time.

i want: to be back at my 2001 tour weight (and i thought i was a raving blimp. HAH!). i also want all morons to be wiped from the face of the planet.

i have: a possible raket (among other things) in the works. wish me luck.

i fear: not getting enough time to rest this week -- again.

i hear: the helsinki philharmonic orchestra under paavo berglund, playing jean sibelius' kullervo symphony, op. 7 part IV.

i care: i dare! i'm a carebear! (i need to go home, like, now.)

i smile: at the thought of marlon making his suzuki sounds.

i wonder: if things will work out the way i hope they will.

i love: dark chocolate, and i think it loves me too.

i think: i may be turning gay. natalie portman is such a babe (not to mention a stellar performer) in closer, which i saw with my mom sunday evening. she's even hotter than jude law. natalie portman ha, not my mom.

i always: hit the snooze button at least three times in the morning.

i am not: built for the corporate world. that means i am also plastic.

i sing: every thursday evening for two hours, and every sunday morning for an hour and a half.

i wish: the goblins WOULD come to take you away. right now. (whoever can identify where that movie came from will get to borrow it from me on DVD.)

i keep: half a kilo of lollo rossa lettuce, capers, part-skim mozzarella cheese and two different salad dressings in the office pantry.

i can: be loyal to a fault.

i can't: seem to stay on this goddamned diet.

i write: with a tinge of desperation. i feel like i'm losing whatever skill/creativity i once had.

i won: seven hundred bucks and a teddy bear at the office christmas party.

i lost: hah. you name it. the latest casualty was my beloved blue lisa loeb glasses, which i left at kfc glorietta. what, may i ask, is the point of keeping a pair of prescription glasses that you find in a restaurant? why not return them instead? huh? huh?

i smell: nothing. the air is sweet, the air is fragrant, and no one may pass without my permission! (yes, this is the same movie i quoted above.)

i confuse: important matters just when i need to keep them straight

i need: rest. and to be fairly compensated for turning my innards inside out at work.

(yes. it's one of those days.)


  1. ...well you could donate fast food fiction you know? :)

  2. ^
    G: Haha. That line seems familiar.

    Not built for the corporate world? I thought corporate means a lot of personal pretenses? (e.g. plastic)

    Haha, I watched Closer today. I laughed my ass off with the sex talk between Larry and Dan. Yep, Natalie was something else. A broad diversion from the Kamiseta icon and Star Wars image.

  3. i meant that i feel like i'm putting on a major pretense just by working in a corporate setting. at least i can say i gave it a chance, if and when i decide to move on to a different thing altogether. :-)

    i thought it would be embarrassing to see closer with my mom pero hindi naman pala. we both laughed at all the sex talk. :-)
