
Monday, April 18

Off to a good start

i must say. considering the week that was, this one is getting off to a rather good start, because

i made it to work on the dot. transport strike, i flout you! this is really significant as it is my first day on the 730am to 430pm work schedule. people who know me really, really well will find it hard to believe that i asked to be moved to a work sched that requires me to wake up an hour earlier. well, i need my meal allowance, which has been denied me since january by a convenient loophole in the OT policy. and it only takes me twenty minutes to get to work. best of all, no elevator traffic. and i can skip out as early as 430pm if i want to.

i will soon unveil my fabulous new template care of the fantabulous multi-talented future worldwide opera sensation rina saporsantos!!!!! it's so me, i can't wait to put it up. such a wonderful surprise after last week's template fiasco. stay tuned. egad, i'm downright giddy.

i'm wearing comfy new pants from bayo -- cropped, khaki and pinstriped. they have seriously good stuff in their summer line, way better than the latest stuff from their biggest rival, kamiseta. my mom bought me some stuff from bayo and people are people yesterday, two bottoms and two tops. she actually bought me this shirt from terranova that i put back on the rack because it wasn't on sale, and i only found out when i got home. felt rather bad about that--shopping in my family is always accompanied or caused by some form of guilt.

but anyway, the new stuff is a consolation after my favorite, favorite pair of levis tore at the knee (because i have fat knees?). no cracks about how i'm so 90s rocker cool now--this is the only pair that i wear with heels, formal tops and office wear. *sniff*

This morning's survey

this from chris is rather good. i've beens running into some really good surveys recently. i abhor those taglish ones that have no concept at all and are written in bad text language. ("hapi k b ngaun? ano wish m?")

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: ANNIE LENNOX (I'm including songs from her Eurythmics days!)

Are you male or female: (Who's That) Girl

Describe yourself: Under Pressure

How do some people feel about you: Your Time Will Come

How do you feel about yourself: Seventeen

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Primitive or Love Song for a Vampire

Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: A Thousand Beautiful Things

Describe where you want to be: English Summer

Describe what you want to be: Wonderful

Describe how you live: Don't Let It Bring You Down

Describe how you love: Money Can't Buy It or I Love You Like a Ball and Chain (haha scary)

Share a few words of wisdom: Keep Young and Beautiful

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