
Monday, May 16

Self-medication is good

Stress Rx

One hour of singing, at least 3x/week
my sweetheart of a boyfriend gave me his family's old keyboard so i can practice more often :-)

Post-office jog around the park, at least 1x/week
at least until mimi confirms our supposed tuesday evening badminton game

Full-color doodle, taken as a break from work, at least 1x/week
must... tear... eyes... away... from... screen

Glass of water, 8x/day
to combat bloating, which is another major cause of stress! besides, with this insane summer heat, dehydration is a definite no-no!

Serving of fruit, 1x/day
i don't know if fruit does anything for stress in the physiological sense, but eating a fruit is almost always indulgent and langorous. take a mango for example. have you ever snarfed down a mango on the go? besides, the sunny, happy color and the healthy sugar rush (they are just sooo sweet this summer!) are little pick-me-ups in themselves. long live the philippine mango!

Long-distance conversation with Marlon, at least 3x/week
uh-oh... now need Rx for his ailing wallet hehehe

and just for this week...

Step towards a major decision, at least 1
will there be more than one step? that remains to be seen


  1. Hey there Deepa! Long time no hear... Well, aside from work. Thanks for the future linkage... I haven't been bloghopping so much though... I'll link you up too!

  2. wow... na-tweak niya ang template. :D
