
Wednesday, June 8

Wish ko lang talaga

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city girl with a small town heart

Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome

Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand

And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


had my teeth cleaned yesterday by a dentist friend. i must say sitting in the dentist's chair and not being able to say a word in reply to anything was highly educational. while blasting away my tea stains, mama rosa (dentist) talked my ear revealed to me that gums are alive (they move away from irritants), horizontal brushing is a major no-no, and that in forty years, i may find myself married to a toothless man. (the boyf grinds them in his sleep--they can actually erode away to nothingness. scary.) plus she taught me how to floss properly (it's ok to get a little vicious).

my teeth are now considerably whiter without being horrifyingly picket-fence white, which is nice. but it feels really, really weird to run the tip of my tongue behind my lower front teeth and feel the gaps between them. (yes, you're supposed to. if you don't, then its time to visit your dentist.)

i was aghast to learn i may have to wear braces. i have third molars, which are not actually supposed to be there. apparently, they may crowd my lower teeth and cause my slightly crooked front ones to become hopelessly crooked. (the current sungki level can still pass for cute and quirky.)

NOOOOO braces. i'd rather have all four molars pulled out. my bank account fervently agrees.

mama rosa's factoid about third molars: our stone-age hunter-gatherer ancestors used to have them. they needed more teeth in order to bite and chew raw chunks of meat, flesh, fruit and whatnot. third molars disappeared as man evolved, as utensils and processed food increasingly did away with the need for excessive chompers.

salamat ha. napag-iwanan pala ako ng ebolusyon.


  1. What does that mean? Antique genes? =D

    Hehe. Good luck. Kakapabunot ko lang ng wisdom teeth. Dalawa. Two more to go next week. =P

  2. actually, halos lahat naman yata may third molars... so, lahat tayo, primitive pa rin hehe...we usually call them wisdom teeth...pinaganda :0P
    had my 2 bottom ones taken out two weeks ago.

    oh, and i stumbled in here through... don't know interested when i read about your long distance romance... my hubby and i had almost 4 years apart before we finally married and stayed together.

  3. jayred: the thought of shelling out money to have dental work done in switzerland gives me the heebie-jeebies. i could barely afford to eat at mcdonalds when i was there. :-P i plan to avoid braces at all cost. having all four molars pulled out is not even a tenth of the cost of braces.

    welcome mrs. a! i'm really inspired by long-distance couples who work it out. my boyfriend and i have been apart for 1.5 years and counting, but still very much in love.

    re: 3rd molars, according to my dentist, some people really don't have them. so i guess those people are a step up on the evolutionary ladder? :-)

  4. brave! brave!
    ayoko nang dentista, bow.
    kung gusto mo akong himatayin, pakitaan mo ako ng dentist.
    sa tanda ko nang ito, umiiyak ako kapag nagpapalinis ako ng teeth. nakakahiya.-eyzee
