
Sunday, July 24

good (extremely good) news: marlon is home!
bad news: that means i am about to get fat -- again.
good news: i think i lost weight over the past two weeks.
bad news: a weighing scale burst my balloon (i think it's lying though. i can't possibly weigh what it tells me i weigh.)
good news: my cough is better, and i can breathe properly now.
bad news: it's day four of sounding like inday badiday...
good news: ... but it could actually be day one of sounding a bit like drew barrymore.

(hey, we ended on good news! it's been a good weekend!)


the island was a rather pleasant surprise. granted, it had one of those infuriating pinoy-movie type trailers that stop very, very close to telling you the entire plot-- marlon was apopleptic with rage the first time we saw it (“wtf?!?!? there is no island?! they're clones?!?!”).

despite this self-inflicted handicap, however, it turns out to be quite an entertaining movie. having taken away the question of what, the movie attempts to answer the questions of why and how instead. and it has some pretty cool action/chase sequences. just take the touches of the matrix, minority report and gattaca in stride, and you'll be fine.

the two leads were very well cast -- i love, love, love ewan mcgregor (and i loved him doubly *wink wink* so in this movie), and scarlett johanssen didn't irritate me as much as she usually does with her i-am-an-expressionless-ephemeral-ingenue-watch-my-perpetually-half-open-pouty-lips-do-all-the-acting-for-me emoting. she seems to do the whole vulnerable-innocent schtick rather well.

i also liked the dashes of humor and satire, as well as the fact that they started to come out in the right places – or place, as in location, to be exact.

so yes, i would recommend that you see the island. especially if your only choices at the cinema are if only (starring jennifer love “boobs na tinubuan ng baba” hewitt) and fantastic four. blech.

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