
Friday, August 26

And on the third day

... she saw that her eyes and smile took up more of her face. and she saw that it was good.
... she fit into tops that she hadn't worn in two years (a.k.a. pre-foodie boyfriend).
... she had a happy reconciliation with her favorite pair of jeans.
... she found that half a cup of brocolli/string beans/cauliflower/carrots is A LOT.
... she realized that string beans by themselves are absolutely vile.
... she concluded that the three-day diet was doable. not easy and definitely not appetizing, but doable.
... she figured she just needed to do it one more time (after the requisite four-day break).
... she longed to sink her teeth into a nice hot pizza.


i'm sick now, but i think it has more to do with the weather than the diet. and i was on the brink of gout on the second day, but that disappeared after i drank enough water to hydroelectrically power two small countries (maybe monaco and liechstenstein).

just one more veggie-laden meal, then i'm done. until next week, anyway. then i think i will follow in the grand puppet mistress' footsteps and become a leeetle bit more calorie-conscious.

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