
Wednesday, September 28

New look

i’ve been dying to do something new to my hair.

haaay. wish ko lang. I posted this on my friendster profile and got a shocked but totally raving message within hours from nash, my childhood best friend who moved away to australia. i can’t bring myself to tell her that it’s not real.

yep. it’s not real. it’s from one of my sister’s better online finds – makeover-o-matic (kabaduyan!), an online makeover tool from ivillage. you have to be a member to indulge your vanity, but login is free, so if you’re bored enough go ahead and give it a whirl.

both of us have been growing eyebags over this thing – trying on hairdos, contacts, glasses, makeup and that don’t look like they’ve been pasted on. plus it displays the color and brand of what you’re trying on so you can go out and buy it – resulting in my hankering for blue-gray contact lenses, wild winterberry lipstick from elizabeth arden, and slammin’ blush from mac. aargh.

so back to the look. it isn’t real, but i’m really starting to wish it was. (so the part about me dying to do something new to my hair is true.) damn. but just thinking of the chemical processes my hair has to go through to get to that look is making my scalp (and my wallet) ache. for one thing, it’ll take industrial-strength relaxing to take the curl out of my hair. and i’m still in the middle of achieving my hair goal of long, wavy tresses by december. (okay, it’s a dull hair goal, but I’m working with what i’ve got here.)

to take my mind off the sheer impossibility of this look, i tried on a couple of others.

1) guest appearance on “lifestyles of the color-treated and totally butch”.
2) professor snape meets janeane garofalo. can you believe this is supposed to be jennifer aniston’s hairdo?
3) check out the ‘fro – macy gray or foxy cleopatra.
4) “so ya fellas want fries with that steak?”
5) sinong lola mo?
6) i got serious and put together a look that i actually like. i’m thisclose to having my hair dyed burgundy and buying gray contacts.
7) nancy drew, girl detective.
8) this is me on the run from the law. it looks like i’m hiding in australia.


  1. duuuude...eherm....deepa.

    that totally suits you. should consider actually doing it you know? :D

  2. it looks good deepa! u should definitely try it. :) though i kinda like the amelie look too. :D

  3. it's cute! yun nga lang, for wavy haired girls like'd have to either iron your hair every day or torture it with product. my gay friends use this thing from L'oreal that it keeps your hair in place but won't give you that icky "wet look" as with gel.

  4. wow. panalo ito sa audience impact.

    i'm mighty tempted, but i think i have to get this long and wavy thing out of my system first, for three main reasons:

    1) i've been growing my hair for almost a year now. sayang naman. mas madali magpagupit kesa magpatubo.
    2) every time i bring up short hair to my boyfriend, he starts screaming like a two year-old and threatens to shave his head. (yes, i live under his domineering thumb, sob sob. it's just that i personally don't think he would be as cute if he were bald.)
    3) datung, man. i'll need at least a relax, a cut, a color job, and pricey hair gunk.

    but thank you for your votes, you've been a fabulous audience. maybe next year. :-)

  5. another thing. marlon doesn't just scream, he also kind of wheedles "...but but long hair is sexyyyyy..." in this small voice. it's kind of endearing actually. hehe :-)

  6. I like nos. 6 and 7. Don't ever do nos. 4 and 8, please. :-)

  7. hindi lang siya panalo sa audience impact, i actually went to the damned site and ended up spending hours making myself over as well. egad.

    anyway, kahit hindi ka (pa) makapagpagupit, at least you will forever have the virtual memory of the desired look immortalized in your blog.

    -- tatat
