
Friday, September 16


the past few days have been cold, rainy and tiring. but there have been pockets of warmth, for which i've been glad.

two very tempting job offers in as many days.
yay, people want me! this must be what parents expect to happen after they fork over hefty sums for an ateneo college education. such a relief after months of running after jobs. one is a shockingly impressive offer (or maybe it's just shocking after the postively puritanical package the factory tossed at me a year ago). the other... well, just makes sense. antabayanan.

discovering a big, soft gray sweatshirt of marlon's in the closet.
it was the only thing that seemed perfect for how cold it was last night.

a roll of giant-sized bubble wrap from mimoy + an invitation from maggie to come over and partake of the stash of dark chocolate at her house.
i really get tickled when friends remember these odd little things i like. (like when friends save ketchup packets from mcdonald's to give to me.)

music, music, music.
i finally downloaded limewire while at marlon's, and now i can indulge my musical appetite for such disparate artists as lauryn hill (anything and everything she's done live), the king's singers (without fail, i let out a chortle at short people and a sniffle at and so it goes), aaliyah (as gp said, sana si brandy nalang ang namatay), sting (i have a newfound respect for how clearly he enunciates his lyrics), annie lennox (doesn't seventeen just make you want to run out into the street and cry?), and... whew, just so many of them. best with rain and a warm blanket.

a new spin on being apart. this time around, appreciation seemed to rush into the little void opened up by our goodbyes. suddenly i found that i actually had time to digest the things marlon did that made me so happy while we were together. things i was too busy living and enjoying and prolonging to really absorb while they were happening. (shoot me, i'm in love.)

pms as an excuse to eat, eat, eat. and eat some more. a mcdo lunch, big plate of happy birthday spaghetti at dada's, good ol' greasy chinese food at mimoy's, and spanish bread from some bakery along kamuning. screw the diet. the almighty cycle has me at the moment.


i just have to share this -- it's the kind of hair i've always wanted but know i'll never ever ever have. the wig is loi's -- he bought it for a costume party, and for a synthetic wig from sm it's really quite nice.

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