
Tuesday, September 6

Where in the world is Currystrumpet?

big surprise, huh? :-P

yup, i arrived here last friday evening. we spent my first weekend here doing the usual -- a welcome dinner of crab and cereal prawns at jumbo on clarke quay, lazing around at home, and slumming around orchard in search of coffee and cds.

bright lights, big city

while i'm happy to be with marlon again, i'm a little miffed that things aren't working out as we planned. i was supposed to come over so i could tag along on a business trip of marlon's to kuala lumpur, which is about forty minutes away by plane. we both fly out monday morning -- me back home and him to guangzhou, china for another business trip.

anyway, due to some big project of his at work, the KL trip got cancelled. so instead we decided to spend the weekend at bintan, which is the nearest decent beach (singapore's own beaches are a joke). but then the same project suddenly demands that he move up his flight out to guangzhou to sunday instead of monday to attend some meeting on monday morning. which nixes the beach weekend and leaves me to haul my sorry ass + luggage to the airport all by myself on monday.

haaay. i tried not to be a brat about it (i've learned that when it comes to work, you just have to kind of bite your lip and live with it), but i couldn't help letting a little brattiness escape when i first heard the news. we patched things up pretty quickly though (nothing a little indian food can't fix), and will try to salvage what we can of our (effectively) one-day weekend.

meanwhile, i hear the cirque is in town.


  1. try to watch cirque if you can...
    we weren't able to catch the famous "O" show of the cirque in Vegas last week coz they were on a week's break yata but we were able to watch Zumanity, a new cirque production. galing!
    oh, and i hope you enjoyed your weekend :0)

  2. well well well i can see your photoshop skills continue to improve :P

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  4. so that's why you've been missing for days! :)

