
Friday, October 14

It's on, bitches!

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

sorry. for a moment there i was possessed by perez hilton.

but it's on. really. and while this has been in the works for some time now, actually booking and confirming the tickets has got me too excited for words.

more when i can.

(jetstar's itinerary doesn't really look like this. the positioning of the logo is entirely my doing. but it would be cool if it did no?)


seeing as i've been tagged by g...
  1. my birthday is coming up in 21 days!
  2. the only jeans i wear are levi's
  3. i have never read a historical romance (a.k.a. "bodice-ripping") novel
  4. i love anything that has cinnamon in it
  5. i never use the same brand of shampoo twice in a row (no special reason, i'm just fickle)
  6. my first kiss was at the age of 14 (i was watching a movie with a guy friend)
  7. i eat uncooked instant noodles (those packed in plastic, not cup noodles, although not recently)
  8. i graduated in the top 10% (or less?) of my college batch
  9. both of my childhood best friends are half spanish
  10. i almost always order the cheeseburger meal from mcdonald's
  11. i am absolutely terrified of childcraft volume six ("about animals")
  12. i am knock-kneed (a.k.a. peke)
  13. my high school used to send me to compete in interschool extemporaneous speaking contests (the best i got was second place)
  14. i love cats
  15. i use a nose spray for rhinitis/hay fever (hmm, i think i've run out)
  16. i was president of my college org (glee club, ano pa nga ba)
  17. i used to change my handwriting and my signature a lot when i was younger, making it hard for me to keep bank accounts
  18. the first movie i can remember watching with my family was "my stepmother is an alien". i distinctly remember my mom covering my eyes when kim basinger stepped out in a filmy red nightie.
  19. my name means "light"
  20. i get tipsy very easily (am proud to never have puked though. aww i remember the days when justine and i used to cut lab and go to mickey's house to get plastered. and when kael made sure i was sober before going to glee club rehearsal. geez those were good times.)
can i just say that it is really hard to think of 20 random facts about myself that i have not already revealed in this blog?

so according to the rules, since it took me 10 minutes to finish this, 10 people have to be tagged right? okay, so i choose jeline, tatat, nette, hazel, jason, ate, jayred, mrs. a, rina and meanne. go forth and multiply!


  1. eek! i couldn't even think of 7 random facts.. what more on 20?!

    btw.. knock-kneed is pI-kê. (?) not peke... sounds like fake :p

  2. this will need some serious thinking. :))

    wut's a knock-kneed? :D

  3. naku, deepa. i don't do this tag stuff. but out of love for your and your blog (naks), i'll try to write some random things about me here in your comments box now (or else di ko na magagawa):

    1. on my 20th birthday (early morning), the "akyat bahay" gang broke into our home and wiped our house clean

    2. on my 20th birthday (afternoon), there was a huge earthquake that killed thousands

    3. i have dandruff now as a resident of switzerland

    4. i love hangten

    5. i crazy person once punched me on the face when i was 12

    6. i was named after the former german gf of my dad, matched with my mom's real name (sick sense of humor)

    7. i nearly died of asthma in 1987

    8. people said i looked like lea "salonganisa" in 1992 when my skin was still flawless (they added i could play the title role of "miss baygon"), and not all dried up like it is today

    9. i'm a shutterbug

    10. i almost fell in love with my french teacher in 1992 despite the fact that he had "kili kili" power (he later lived in with my femme fatale Pinoy classmate)

    11. i love eastpak bags and wallets

    12. i eat ice cubes

    13. i went to basilan in 2002 on a journalistic assignment despite the terrorist alerts

    14. an arab once harassed me while i was floating on the dead sea in israel

    15. i studied hebrew in 2002

    16. my piano teacher eventually married the high school director, a belgian priest, after years of having a secret affair with him

    17. i speak "gerench" (german mixed with french) for survival

    18. i don't wear skirts

    19. i don't wear makeup

    20. "sound of music" is one of my favorite films, even though the austrian tour guide in salzburg said that the real maria von trapp was an old hag

    hay salamat. tapos na ang obligasyon. :-) hope this will suffice.

    have a nice week, deepa!

  4. hazel: thanks! always thought it was peke. (with the pakupya mark.) you learn something everyday.

    nette: my legs aren't straight. think of how little girls stand, toes pointed towards each other. that's peke.

    jayred: onga eh, saka ko lang na-realize that these things don't fit into your blogs. your entries are always so well-written and pulled together. which makes me appreciate your effort all the more. maraming salamat!

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