
Saturday, October 22

Week one

after a long, tiring, exciting and eventful week, i crawl home from the office at 10:30 p.m., decide i cannot find the energy to wait up for the boyf, and bury myself in bed. cold night air, comforter and fatigue -- ahh, bliss. i'm out before my head even touches the pillow.

at 1:13 a.m., aforementioned bliss is shattered by a missed call from my boss. i reach blearily for my phone to find three messages from three different people (yes, including my boss) telling me to call the office due to a booboo in my script for a plug that has to go on air in a couple of hours.

i am suddenly reminded of the tagline from my network's evening news show. dahil ang balita, hindi natutulog! (because the news never sleeps.) well, apparently, neither does entertainment tv.

i get on the phone, hoarse from sleep, and find myself on the line with a snappish editor who does not seem at all happy to be on the graveyard shift and have to hunt for the newbie writer. "ma'am, saan natin hahanapin 'tong line ni k____? iba yung time code na nasa script mo kesa sa yung nandun sa video."

the unspoken rebuke in her voice prompted some of the fastest thinking i have ever done at 1 in the morning on a weekend, and at 1:17 a.m., the crisis is over.

welcome to the wonderful world of philippine tv.


"husay! :-)"
-- text message from my partner, charlie
on the script i wrote for my very first plug

it's been a good week: working, learning, having one or two brushes with death (or equivalent). i was writing scripts (well, a script) on my second day, and waking up at 6 a.m. with the dewy-eyed excitement of a newbie to await the airing of my very first plug the next day. true to form, my lola trotted out to watch for "my commercial", fully expecting me to appear on national tv.

then my uber-dramatic slow-mo plug about the death of one character almost aired like a silent film -- with absolutely none of the dramatic music i'd picked out. i say almost, because i remembered to fill out the required form for the music researcher right before i stepped out of the office to head home. whew.

i've met a whole bunch of interesting people, like my fellow newbie who offered to teach me boxing, and another fellow newbie who spent seven years traveling around the philippines as a painter and volunteer worker.

then there are artista sightings around the office, including this one in a crowded elevator with the ka-loveteam of my celeb lookalike-kuno. honestly, i wouldn't have recognized this rainier dude if a workmate didn't insist on taking this pic.
now that i've posted it here, my blog is officially jologs! yeah! jologs rule!

i'm paired up with a graphic artist who shares the name of g's missus. that officially makes one charlie in every job that i've held since college. first the evil control freak boss, then our lovely hong kong reporter, and now this guy. i'm enjoying our work and the fact that we seem to feed off each other's ideas. at oc-oc na nga siya, proactive pa!
yahoo! sinusuklian na ako ni lord for the nincompoops in my professional past. hallelujah.

and then there are two of my three best friends from college who work in the same building. we got together tuesday for coffee and chitchat. it's nice to know that i can celebrate my birthday with friends even if i have to be in the office
next week grinding out plugs before the long weekend.

week one, folks. stay tuned.


  1. Uy, bagay kayo ng Jologs guy (tama ba ang usage ko ng Jologs? napaghahalata na matanda na LOL). :-) Pero may Marlon ka na.

    Congratulations on your writing feat (successful script). I never once doubted your writing prowess.

    P.S. Ka Puso ba is ABS-CBN? Forgive my ignorance....

  2. haha! yes tama ang usage mo ng jologs. :-)

    and no, we're the OTHER station. yung number one. hee hee.

    this job is really putting my writing skills to the test. not only do i have to clearly communicate my ideas to an audience, but also to the production people executing the script. sometimes it feels like i'm trying to speak a foreign language, something i'm sure you can relate with. nakakaloka.
