
Monday, November 28

Antisocial vampires are addicted to excitement. They’re called antisocial vampires not because they don’t like parties, but because they’re heedless of social rules. These vampires love parties. They also love sex, drugs, rock n’ roll, and anything else stimulating. They hate boredom worse than a stake through the heart. All they want out of life is a good time, a little action, and immediate gratification of their every desire.

Of all the vampires, Antisocials are the sexiest, the most exciting, and the most fun to be around. People take to them easily and quickly, and just as quickly get taken. Aside from momentary fun, these vampires don’t have much to give back. Ah, but those moments!

-- From "Emotional Vampires", by Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D.

sound like anyone you know? 'cause it sure as hell sounds like someone i know.

okay, okay, i'll quit it with the self-help books/muni-muni already. it's back to the behemoth tomorrow, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that makes sense since they spend all their time thinking instead of talking they think about how to be fun and appealing.

    In your vast (wink wink)spare time, feel free to leave a comment on the Blog @

    Chekkit out!
