
Thursday, November 17

Gee! Your hair smells terrific

i may exude a mutant pheromone that attracts celebrities of the weirdest kind. like carlos agassi, who once yelled "i love you!" and enveloped me in a huge, sleeveless, poreless, perfumed bear hug in the middle of a room filled with press people (while sirens in my head blared GAY! GAY! GAY!). gross.

and then this new guy at last sunday's photo shoot. without having been introduced to me, or saying two words to me all day, he snuck up behind me, put his hands on my head, and began smelling my hair. as in i could feel the tip of his nose on my scalp. it's a good thing one outgrows the distinctive amoy araw scent of hair in grade school, and he didn't run away screaming.

granted, this minor celeb isn't quite as gross as the queen amir of rap (whatever the hell that means). he's actually fairly cute. and his next comment ("ang ganda ganda mo. para kang mexicana"), as well as his ensuing attempts at flirting, had kilig potential.

attention from a cute guy is always a good thing. it makes me feel like i'm in sixth grade again and i have just discovered boys. (actually hindi eh. i think i discovered boys when i was three. maybe sixth grade is when i discovered that boys could actually talk to you.)

but he just had to go and smell my hair, didn't he? that totally wrecks it.


  1. fortunately, no. hehe.

    i just realized that what this dude did would have been positively "get-away-from-me-you-pervert" creepy... IF he had not been cute.

    buti na lang talaga o baka hinugutan ko na siya ng buhok. haha.

  2. jayred: your comment got me thinking. my perspective on artistas has changed somewhat since entering the network. i think it deserves an entire blog entry.

    but yeah, it was weird.

  3. grand puppet mistress:

    YES!!! hahah same guy that popped into my head while reading this entry! hehe
