
Sunday, November 20

Hey there, shopping lover

hey there, shopping lover
at p-x-club you'll discover
a __________ in store for you (does anyone remember this part?)
you won't believe it's true
goodness. thinking of a title for today's post brought me back momentarily to back in the day when "px goods" were such a big thing, and you heard this annoying jingle on the radio all the time (followed by joaqui trillo's endorsement spiel. what was a sportscaster doing endorsing a shopping club anyway?). and you had to troop all the way to subic or clark to get things like clairol herbal essences shampoo. now you can get "px goods" at practically any grocery. chalk up points for free trade. free trade nga ba?

but i digress. i went shopping yesterday, and i realized it's the first time that i've really gone shopping with my own money. i'm a big fan (or victim?) of the impulse buy and the unexpected bargain find. this was the first time that i actually set out to buy a series of items with a view to actually shelling out good money for them.

after being stuck in an unholy traffic jam just outside ayala center, i was greeted by a huge banner announcing this quarter's midnight madness sale. i was actually one of the hordes who went to the very, very first midnight madness sale ages ago (i was in grade school, and the idea of shopping until midnight simply drove us all mad) and have had no desire to ever go to one again.

maybe maggie's fear of crowds (borne of megamall sales) has rubbed off on me. maybe it's not having enough money to actually shop until midnight. or maybe i'm just older and i tire more easily now. whatever it is, the prospect of midnight madness almost set me back
on my way home.

good thing i braved it, though, because i actually came away with some good and quite practical buys.
  1. blue corduroy jeans from terranova (to replace a similar pair from levis that was rendered forever useless by a huge inkstain on the butt). i really needed new pants. i already have a sh*tload of tops and skirts.
  2. black tank top from terranova (to replace my torn one from giordano)
  3. white bermuda shorts from penshoppe (my concession to current trends). got a hefty discount on this thanks to the sister's best friend, who's a big honcho over at penshoppe. just had to mention her name to the store manager and he let me use his employee ID to get a discount.
  4. deep purple zip-up sweater from kirin-kirin (for my office, a.k.a. siberia)
  5. burt's bees lip balm from beauty bar (also for my office, a.k.a. siberia)
  6. short file folders from national (for my office desk, a.k.a. the abyss)
  7. fat spiral notebook for marlon, who is pining away for national bookstore
i'm so proud of myself! no shoes at all!

i bumped into charlie, pia, anika, michiko, jett, mimoy and loi all in the space of thirty minutes. my goodness, everyone really does troop out for midnight madness. good thing i bumped into mimoy and loi, too -- we had a brief conversation at bo's coffee about banks, dollar rates and interest rates on time deposits, during which we realized that we really are getting old.

which reminds me that now that i've done my splurging, i should start taking care of what money i've got left.

or maybe there's a little room for just one teeny-weeny pair of shoes.

delikado 'to.

1 comment:

  1. yup, we have soaps altho we don't really call them soap operas. we usually refer to them as drama series. enca is under the drama group, but it's called a 'telefantasya.' yung mas typical soap opera yung mga afternoon drama shows like now and forever. :-)

    muthrax! welcome back to the blogging world! and thanks for the ispeyshal menshyen! mishu!
