
Saturday, November 26

Umm, okay

finally been to embassy. except for the fact that it's fun to dress up for and the djs have a big space to horse around in, i don't see what the fuss is about. but we (richie and tatat, who seems quite the party girl in this blurry photo) had an okay time, i guess.

rich was looking for hip-hop, and i was with him on that. i find hip-hop more fun to dance to. "grooving" (holding a beer bottle, balancing on stiletto heels and moving ever so slightly to avoid ruining your hair, all while trying to look attractive) seems to have a severely limited fun spectrum.

embassy apparently does hip-hop on wednesdays, but i don't know. i'm not exactly raring to go back.

i suddenly remembered high school, the peak of my brief clubbing career. the places to be were euphoria, hip-hop nights at mars, and hard rock cafe -- dead, dead, dead.
also got excited about india in december. people in bollywood-movie party scenes always look so happy and bouncy, totally unself-conscious.

i think i'm ready for some bhangra now.


yay, the starstruck launch is over. i can eat normally again. had a marathon interview session with this year's batch of artista hopefuls (yes, that's the term i actually use in my copy), and i already have my bets. there's a cute igorot (yes, you read that right) with a strong machete factor. syet, sana ipagsuot siya ng bahag. gah what am i saying? he's barely legal.

watch ha? sunday to friday at around 930pm. channel 7, siyempre.


i feel like i have to say something about it (not embassy, not starstruck), so i will.


end of cryptic post.

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