
Monday, January 30

Lord, give me a lover!

this meme from jeline reminds me of three things.

  1. a diary entry i wrote while my first relationship was in its death throes. it detailed the things that i realized i wanted in a guy (ah, yes, adolescent luuurve -- when you don't know what you want and thus go along with everything). i looked up the list some time after marlon and i got together and realized that i got everything i wanted. visualization works, folks!
  2. a list tatat and i made in freshman year, enumerating the various body parts and personality elements of guys we knew that, combined, would make -- tadaaaah! -- the perfect guy. i seem to recall we were united on our choice of the perfect voice. tatat, do you remember who? mwehehehe. oh god, that list was hilarious. i should dig it up. what boy-watchers we were.
  3. a column jessica zafra once wrote about an old sampaguita? lvn? film called, lord give me a lover. i don't remember much from it except that the heroine runs out of her bahay kubo into the rain, makes sampa against a tree limb in classic forties movie tradition, and cries (you guessed it!) lord, give me a lover!

it's taken me days and days to put this list together and i don't think it's perfect. i haven't had to think about these things in a looong while! anyway, here goes.

part 1. eight different points of my perfect lover.

1.1. he should be passionate, or know what it feels like to be passionate. about something. anything. passion also means i will probably find you genuinely interesting. ambition and drive, passion's two cousins, are welcome. obsession is not.

1.2. he should be low-key. i hate loud people who are always in your face, and there's room for only one ksp person in a relationship. mwehehe. if even one person he knows can describe him as pimpin', he's not the guy for me.

1.3. he should be someone i can be proud of, and someone who can be proud of me too. this is sort of related to 1.1. all that passion should have direction.

1.4. he should be someone i can talk to. really talk to, share things with. when i talk to him, i should feel like he's really getting what i'm saying.

1.5. he should treat me well. himself and others too.

1.6. he should believe in God. being devout isn't a necessity. belief in a higher Being, God, what have you, makes all the difference in a person's capacity to love, hope, believe, bounce back, be positive about life. (i've been with negative, baby, and it ain't fun.)

marlon and i are delinquent catholics, and we've had some intense arguments about religion, but one of the things i love about our relationship is that we can pray together, and do.

1.7 he should welcome the opportunity to think, reflect, and be disturbed. nakakaloka yung mga taong ayaw mag-isip. although i'm like that too, sometimes -- especially if confronted with shoes and chocolate.

1.8 he should... aaagh, hirap na hirap na akong sumagot. eto na lang.

love me, love my dima. hee hee.

part 2. the sex of the target.

target daw?! straight male, please.

part 3. eight people i'm tagging.

jason, my sister, nette, tatat, reg.... ugh pwedeng five na lang?

1 comment:

  1. ive already posted this but in a slightly diff manner. wow, visualization works huh? i have yet to try that. hehehe.. :)

    lots of people getting married these days.. i wanna get your opinion on this.when's the ideal time to get married ba?
