
Monday, May 1

Calm before the... yadda yadda

labor day weekend came just in time. i'll keep the litany of work-related stress to myself, but it is of note that i woke up momentarily disoriented on friday morning and nearly erupted in tears upon realizing that it was, indeed, friday and not yet saturday.

i've been so happy to have the past three days off that i don't even feel bad about having put in a couple of hours at the office on saturday. the frosty halls of the network were a welcome escape from the heat, and i managed to get quite a few ideas down on paper.

charlie and i also did a brainstorm over the phone, for a long-running account that we're putting to bed. it was so productive that we're considering putting in a request for a special brainstorm booth akin to the ones that inmates use to talk to their visitors (you know, two phones separated by glass).

i got to do a couple of things i've been itching to do, like go over my pieces for acs, vocalize (my voice needs all the help it can to hold up against the ravages of stress), buy speakers for my office desktop (i need music to survive the next couple of weeks at work), and do a lengthy, brain-numbing ps2 marathon. i had marlon's ps2 repaired and am using it to turn my brains to mush (some of my clients seem to prefer mushy-brain ideas) over god of war.

also took a little drive to rockwell to practice my road skills. this is a first on so many levels, so it deserves a separate post.

all in all, the weekend was a well-timed and much-savored refueling. let's hope the juice goes far -- the month ahead does not look pretty.

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My ex seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. thank goodness.

Maybe I should stop snacking at the office.

I love spending rainy days in bed.

I don’t understand why clients can't consolidate their revisions.

I lose hair ties and pens with alarming regularity.

Love is what makes life worthwhile.

Somewhere, someone going to bed feeling apprehensive about the workweek.

Forever is real.

I never want to grow old alone.

When I wake up I roll over and hit "snooze" at least thrice.

My past is past. For better or for worse.

I get annoyed when someone lean on the entire length of an MRT pole when the train is crowded.

Parties are fun when they're intimate.

Kisses are the best way to brighten me up.

I really want to eat something cooked by Marlon.

I have low tolerance for people who are ditzy.

Tomorrow will be tough. And so will the days that follow. But I'll ram through the tough days, and laugh when it's all over.

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