
Thursday, August 6

The curious case of the eyeless koi

the new intern found this floating about aimlessly (and sightlessly, i might add) in our office pond one afternoon.

creepy! it's completely eyeless.

while it totally gives me the shudders, it with all the other normal fish also tugs at my heartstrings. while all the other koi are racing all over the pond in some weird koi frenzy, this one just stays in one corner of the pond because it has no idea where to go. *sniffle*

there are several theories as to the sudden emergence of this fish.

the intern thinks its eyes have been lost in a fight with the other fish (it's missing a strip of scales as well). i think it's actually been that way since birth (i've seen sightless kittens before) and we just never noticed. in the most outlandishly complicated guess, james, my boss, thinks that a cruel pet owner snuck into our backyard and dumped their sick/malformed goldfish (yes, he refuses to believe that this is a koi) into our pond. now that's creativity for you -- after all, james is our creative director.


  1. Naiyak naman ako imagining it alone in a corner *sob*

  2. disturbing ... and sad.

    once we found a five legged baby frog by a lake (in canada). my mom adopted it for a pet. took care of it for almost four years. we called it "heart" because we found it in Heart Lake.
