
Tuesday, March 15


We've had a warm streak the last few days (ranging from 10-15℃), and outside, flowers that were closed just last week have started to bloom!

I've finally bought vases, so even indoors, everything is in bloom as well. Fresh flowers here are shockingly cheap and thus we have flowers everywhere! In the living room, atop the crates...

On the dining table...

In the front hallway...

And on the windowsill!

Flowers are also a sign that the house has officially left the territory of mess, and crossed over into the land of the livable. I didn't feel I ought to buy flowers for the house when it was still covered with boxes, books were piled on the floor gathering dust, and we couldn't sit on anything. Now, it looks good enough to deserve a treat (or two, or three).

Marlon, always the sweetheart, says I should never buy flowers myself, because it's his job to buy flowers for me :)


  1. Awwww... how sweet of him! And can I just say I am so jealous that flowers are super cheap there?!? You can see how expensive it is for us here that I have to use the fake kind at our home! =P

  2. Marlon nga bought the tulips for €10 at the Floating Market in the centre of town and after being pleased and grateful, I became outraged at the tourist prices, haha. At the market or in the corner kasi you can get the same bunch for €4.50.

    Faux flowers here would be a nightmare because everything gets so dusty so quickly... and I'm allergic to household dust.

  3. your photos look like they were sliced from one of those design blogs. i think it's a combination of the your skills, your taste, and your environment. nice!

  4. pretty!!! marlon's the best! and also, yehey for cheap flowers! flowers here are mahal :((everything here is mahal)

  5. I'm always impressed by people who are able to keep flowers in their homes - they really brighten up a house, but I always neglect to take care of mine...

  6. It's super dusty here in Jakarta though because of the forest burning and the cars - even more dusty than Manila. I am super lucky to have a maid though. I wouldn't have fake flower either if I didn't have one for sure!

  7. Sophie, so far the flowers we get here have been very easy to take care of. The roses Marlon got me for Valentine's day, for example, lasted over three weeks and dried without wilting. We started calling them the immortal roses, haha.

    I plan to try growing herbs this spring, though, so let's see if they are as easy to care for.
