
Sunday, May 22

Sunny days

Amsterdam has been blessed with abundant sunshine for the past few weeks, especially on the weekends. How our lives have changed: instead of driving me deeper into my bed with the aircon on full blast, hot and sunny days now draw me out into the street to do as the Dutch and soak up the sun... while it lasts. ("It's all downhill from Queen's Day" warned Rick, our running group coach.) 

One sunny weekend I got to do three things that had been on my Amsterdam must-try lists for some time. The first was to have apple pie at Winkel, a vastly popular (and always packed) cafe on the Noordermarkt. 

The apple pie here is reportedly the best in Amsterdam. I haven't met a Dutch appeltart I haven't liked, but I must say this one outweighs and outsizes all the ones I've had. The crust is almost cookie-like without being dry, and the filling is made up of generous chunks of baked apple with some crunch to it, instead of the usual mushy, applesauce-y filling. 

Another tick mark on my list went to the grassy hill (well, wedge really) on Museumplein. It's been callin' for some sprawlin' ever since I first saw it, back in January when we first moved here. 

The Concertgebouw (concert hall) is on the right, while the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum and Stedelijk Museum (the contemporary art museum, closed for renovation) are on the left.

Marlon and I killed a good two hours there while waiting for a dinner appointment, just reading, napping and taking pictures. Public spaces like these are another reason why I love Amsterdam.

And one Sunday, Marlon and I went totally Amsterdammer-like with a picnic at the Vondelpark. I even wore my bathing suit to the park, as the locals do when it's hot. Swimsuits and grass still don't quite fit together in my head, though.

We packed our brand-new/secondhand picnic basket with some chips, beer, cold water, and a light lunch...

... consisting of oven-roasted chicken and baby potatoes with cherry tomatoes, garlic and herbs.

Did your parents ever tell you not to read while eating? Ours did, to no avail. So out came the books...

... and the Leffe Blond beer. This is my passed-out-in-the-grass lasengga look. 

The day was so gorgeous. There seems to be so much magic in sunshine.

It can transform dogs into swamp creatures...

... and goths into happy campers.

When we found a wishbone in our lunch, Marlon and I both wished for more days just like this one. :) 

Amsterdam, all you have to do is grant that wish... and I'll love you forever.


  1. One day deeps I will be able to use my picnic basket! I totally am experiencing the hot days making me wanna stay in full blast AC. Once day I will get to wear my bikini in a park a book and a blanket on the grass... AND NOT SWEAT! LOL!

  2. Amsterdam weather is notorious for being fickle. This may be the only time I get to do this all year!

  3. awesome post deeps!!! gaaaahhh i wish i could just take a bus to see you

  4. I'm so glad you guys extended your stay in Amsterdam by a few more days, so we can do nice leisurely stuff like this instead of just running around to all the museums! So excited for your visit!
