
Wednesday, September 21

Turkish delight

The past few weeks have given me soooo much to blog about, such as:
  • My first choir audition since the age of 17
  • The start of autumn
  • Four fabulous days in Rome
  • Dutch lessons
  • My foray into baking and sewing

But first, I've been itching to express my delight about the speedy, hassle-free process of applying for a tourist visa for Turkey. 

A few months ago, I met a Turkish national who was horrified to learn that a tourist visa is required for a visit to Turkey. "What?!" she gasped. "Why do they do this? Why don't they just make it easy for people to visit our country?"

Philippine passport holders all know what it's like to constantly battle for that all-important stamp called a visa. Since putting off this trip in May, I had been  mentally bracing myself to slog through the usual pile of paperwork, coupled with a typically tight-lipped interrogation and finished off with that now-familiar nerve-wracking waiting game. 

So I was quite pleasantly surprised to acquire a visa via what probably is the fastest process I've ever experienced. Standing at the entrance of the Turkish consulate, I joked, "What if when we get inside, there's just a box marked TOURIST VISAS: GET ONE?" Till that sweet day arrives, this is about as close as it gets.

Step 1: Begin the usual way, i.e. by preparing travel documents. Marlon and I prepared passports, residence permits, booking confirmations for both flight and accommodations. Because we're praning, we also prepared bank statements and our triple-certified marriage contract.
Step 2: Download the application form from the Turkish consulate website, attach a passport photo and fill it out.
Step 3: Get on a train to the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam. This was probably the biggest hassle of the entire process, since Rotterdam is an hour away. We also had to go at the crack of dawn because Marlon had to be 
Step 4: Go through security and get a number from the information desk.
Step 5: Wait for about 10-15 minutes. In my personal scale of waiting times at government offices, this is not long.
Step 6: This is where the fun begins. Hand over your documents and prepare to answer... wait for it... not one single question about your visit, employment, residence status or financial capacity! The visa officer at the counter barely even glanced at the stack of papers under the application form.
Step 7: Pay the visa fee of €44 to the cashier and present your receipt to the visa officer. There is no queue at the cashier.
Step 8: This is the climactic moment. You will be told to come back for your visa between 3-5pm... wait for it... one, just one working day later! We applied on Friday morning and were instructed to collect our passports the following Monday. Unbelievable!
Step 9: Return to the consulate at the appointed time. Collect passport in less than 5 minutes. No number, no queue, no waiting time.
Step 10: Turn eagerly to the page upon which your crisp new visa is stamped. Feel only the faintest cotton-candy wisp of loathing for your Philippine passport, which is easily trampled over by your mounting excitement for your trip. Wonder why other countries can't just make things this simple. 

Saan ka pa? Turkey na!