
Monday, October 24

Let's get this party started

Last week was insanely packed (in a good way) and there's still so much I have to blog about. But that will have to wait, because *happy dance* it's my birthweek! 

Marlon sure knows how to get a party started, at least in my book. He kicked off my birthday celebration by treating me to a little somethin'-somethin' at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. 

And that is your sneak peek at Dutch Design Week. That's about all I can manage for now, but there will be more (lots more) when I get back. Promise.

In the meantime, I'm taking off to celebrate The Big 3-0 with a long-awaited trip to Istanbul. I'm excited to be crossing another big one off my lifelong travel wishlist. Ta ta for now and see you next week!


  1. happy birthday from bwy friend, love your photos

  2. Thanks, Cris and Val!
    Rins, it's from a Dutch designer that I can't remember the name of... let me dig into my notes from Dutch Design Week!

  3. Happy Birthday Deepa! Can't wait to see see photos of your trip to Turkey.

  4. Thanks Virna! My Turkey trip gave me *SO MUCH* blog material. That's next on my agenda!
