
Tuesday, November 8


It's way past time I started blogging about my trip to Turkey. Yesterday I started drafting a post about the very first thing I did on my 30th birthday, which also happened to be my very first morning in Turkey. But I realized it was just not working as a blog post: too many words and too many photos.

So I'm working on something a little more special for the blog. In the meantime, I leave you with a hint of suspense. 

Marlon and I arrived in Goreme, in the central Anatolian region of Cappadocia, at midnight. It took a flight from Istanbul and an hour-long road trip in near pitch-darkness. And when we got there, this was all we could see from the doorstep of our hotel room. Spooky.

Ano ang nasa dakong paroon? Like we did, you'll have to wait till the next morning to find out. 


  1. Turning Thirty in Turkey! T3! Trendsetter ka talaga, Deeps! Hope you had an awesome time.

  2. oh wow! the cave hotel!!!
