
Thursday, December 30


yay! i was on vacation today. long leisurely brunch at nielsen's with marlon, a quick stop at the office to email myself work (ick) and a couple of hours at makati cinema square, where marlon and i enriched some chinaman by spending a small fortune on pirated dvds.

true to (male) nature, marlon completed his purchases in about five minutes. he bought new PS2 games, some of which i'm rather interested to try myself. we spent the rest of the time looking around for a dvd of queen margot, which i didn't find :-( BUT we did find a treasure trove of a whole lot of other classic eighties films. my favorite finds:

the omen one AND two. ooooh. my mom thought my sister looked like little damien as a baby. that thought really freaked her out. my mom, i mean.

splash. see how skinny tom hanks is? i used to confuse him with steve gutenberg. after watching this as a kid, i couldn't get the woolie boolie out of my head for weeks.

two major gems that we didn't get (and that i will probably go back for): a john tavener choral ikons dvd (go figure) and sheena, queen of the jungle. sheena (tanya roberts--for some reason i always thought she was played by sheena easton, har har) was marlon's very first crush. reading the plot synopsis on the back of the dvd made me realize that it is such a camp classic, like nympha and temptation island (right jason?). i HAVE to have it.

major disappointment: the swatch bunnysutra is way too big for me. for the first time in my life, i wished i had fatter wrists. i was thisclose to buying it. marlon later confessed that he was also thisclose to buying it for me. crapcrapcrap.

major perk: marlon got me a winner puson-minimizing skirt at mango (half off). after a year and a half, he has become a master at spoiling me. i almost got myself a red bag that marlon said reminded him of prostitutes' pouty lips (eh?). however, i exercised willpower by thinking of my sd card and infrared adapter. geek.

i got myself a planner instead, since the ateneo planner this year is kinda ugly, save for the quotes from ateneo institutions such as doreen, dax manacsa and padre ferriols. it's a lonely planet planner, which i will heretofore refer to as the lonely planner.

my lonely planner

postscript: i spent new year's eve day (?) with marlon. and guess what he did, again? took me shopping at mango.

i actually looked at this with interest (i noticed that i tend to buy things that match what i'm wearing at the moment) until marlon cried, "they killed cookie monster!" he's a sharp one, that boy.

mango has this line of strange furry kilikili bags. stick two of them (black, no less) under your kilikili and you have a veritable forest of kilikili hair. this was so insanely ugly that we had to take a picture of it. the mango staff must have suspected us of being pirates from shenzhen.

i think i've corrupted my boyfriend for life. he spends maybe an hour in mango sitting on the floor with all the other glazed-eyed boyfriends. then he decides to buy his sister a new year's present. it's his brother's birthday tomorrow and he doesn't want her to feel left out since she's not opening presents. then he walks into folded & hung and decides to buy a polo that he thinks would look really good on his dad. then, so that nobody feels left out in all this gift-opening, he buys a necklace for his mom.

he takes me home in a cab, loaded down with all these spur-of-the-moment presents for me and his family. he's tired and probably broke.

in the cab, he puts his arm around me, gives me a tight hug and a smile, and whispers in my ear, "this was a wonderful day. thank you, sweetie."

and i'm thinking, what on earth did i do to deserve this guy?

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