
Monday, January 3

A new day

i was blog-hopping and saw this title on another person's post today. sorry to be unoriginal, but "a new day" somehow stirs more hope and anticipation in me than "a new year." maybe the latter has been overused in the past few days.

the best thing is, it's a new day every day.


three words that marlon and i will be repeating to ourselves (and each other) a lot this year: make it count.


i just received fifteen minutes of the most sensible, inspiring, thought-provoking, well-timed and opportune advice that i will probably ever receive from anyone. off the top of my head i don't remember getting talked to like this by anyone but my mother.

i wish i'd had a notepad or a recorder or time to absorb everything. but the grindstone is reaching for me with surprising ferocity. i want to get home so i can mull over the advice i've received. damn work and groceries.

but, at any rate: thanks, cousin.


my dad died twenty-two years ago today.

crazy thought: i felt that my dad was looking out for me somehow. i needed that talk. and maybe i needed to feel someone looking out for me, to feel that even with my delusions of independence someone feels responsible for me.

crazy thought.


marlon flew back to singapore yesterday, and my beige shoes from DMK gave out today.

on the other hand, it was a beautiful january day when i stepped out of the office for a solitary lunch. anyone who has ever noticed the particular charms of january in this country will know what i mean. strong, cool breezes left over from christmas, and blue skies and warm sunshine that let you know summer is just around the corner.

would that each new day looked and felt like this one. maybe it would be easier to deal with life's disasters, small or tremendous, real or imagined.

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