
Tuesday, January 4


hey mika, answering this was fun!

Five Things You May Not Know About My Time in School
*i had a QPI of 3.9 one brilliant semester

*i was single all throughout college
*i got a D in math from a teacher who is a very good friend
*at the start of freshman year, i was twenty pounds lighter than i am now
*i wrote someone an anonymous naughty valentine... and he found out about that i wrote it. in retrospect i realized he was totally not worth the embarrassment

Five Things You May Not Know About the Job/s I Have (or Had)
*i've interviewed lesbians, a british boy band, trauma survivors, alex compton (my favorite celeb interview to date) and *shudder* carlos agassi

*i have road-tested pickup lines (damsel in distress gets 'em every time)
*my former boss made me reserve his hotel rooms and pay his club shares
*i have had a toddler pee on me
*i have dressed up as a viet cong, complete with bullet belt and faux rifle

Five Things You May Not Know About My Online Life:
*i have five email accounts: sanriotown, yahoo, gmail and two on ateneogleeclub

*i have at least five online albums
*i am forbidden to use yahoo messenger or chikka at the office. grrrr
*my every online move while at work is monitored by the isd department. they allegedly have a record of each and every site i visit and how long i'm there. the jig is up--they know that i don't work at all! haha!
*i furtively listen to radio stations from places like aruba and mauritius

Five Things You May Not Know About Where I Live:
*i have a fuschia bedroom wall. just one. the others are white

*we have seven askals inside the house: two parents, five puppies
*there is a xerox shop, an internet cafe and a lotto outlet right outside my gate
*my neighbors are the loudest, most @#*(^$! people on earth
*at least two of my paintings are hung somewhere around our first floor

Five Things You May Not Know About My Home Life:
*i live in a household entirely of women

*three out of five of the women in my house are over the age of 50
*i lock myself in my room a LOT
*my sister and i want to give away our askal puppies but my mom doesn't want them to go. oooo conflict
*my family doesn't own a car

Five Things You May Not Know that I Desperately Want:
*to study music in europe
*to be a diva
*a new mattress
*a car
*to be at least ten pounds lighter

Five Embarrassing Fannish Admissions I Have That You May Not Know:
*i bought edward furlong's album
*i bought aerosmith's "get a grip" album (classic!) just because edward furlong was in their "living on the edge" video
*i used to write "short stories" that featured me and my celebrity crushes
*i jumped over the fence to the expensive seating section at a bon jovi concert
*i once asked for eric fructuoso's autograph. he is now married to a high school friend of mine.

Five Things You May Not Know About What I Do in a Typical Day:
*i set my alarm extra early so i can have the satisfaction of going back to sleep
*i buy taho on the street almost daily
*i have a ten-minute stroll to the office
*i make my own lunches (salad ingredients in the office ref)
*i wrestle with someone-or-other's bad english

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