
Friday, March 18


bye folks, i'm off to visit marlon in lah lah land (read: singapore) next week. it's my first vacation leave since i started working (to think some people save up their years and years' worth of leaves -- gross!) so i'm pretty excited. i've lined up a whole gamut of thrill-a-minute things to do, like

- wake up at 2pm every day
- play final fantasy x and whatever new japanese horror games marlon has for his PS2
- window shop
- do some actual shopping
- swim and bake at the award-winning trellis tower poolside
- pick up marlon from work

you get the drift. i figure i need the sloth after all the harrowing things i did to get a flight AND get my passport renewed. the latter experience made me glad that you only have to renew your passport once every five years.

so, wish me luck in completing the last leg of my pre-departure preparations -- packing, picking up my new passport, and actually making it to the flight on time.

have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. heya :)

    i'm not sure if you're still on Vacation or what.. we were trying to contact you last week coz i saw your post on my blog about your interest in the "writing stint"... i need your contact number :) i'll email you more of the details later.. but anyway.. if you've got MSN Msgr or YM please buzz me (hatal18@yahoo) or :)
