
Saturday, April 2

Word for the week: Sisyphean

Sis·y·phe·an adj. 1. Greek Mythology. Of or relating to Sisyphus. 2. Endlessly laborious or futile, as in:

"After spending ten days in Airconditionland, Currystrumpet arrived in Manila on the hottest day of the year to find the simple act of hailing a taxi absolutely Sisyphean."


"After living in utter sloth and irresponsibility for ten days, the prospect of going back to work seemed positively Sisyphean. As Currystrumpet later found out, it truly was."


"A self-proclaimed computer ditz, Currystrumpet's next assignment -- chronicling product development trends for motherboards -- seemed not only daunting, but downright Sisyphean."


"Flat broke and partially in debt, restoring Currystrumpet's denunded savings to their former glory posed a Sisyphean challenge."


hello, i'm back. i've been putting off blogging about my vacation because i haven't had the chance to download my phone pics. however, i realized that i've been doing more "show" than "tell" on my last few posts. and that is a scary sign that doreen's former pet (oy, hindi ako nagbubuhat ng sariling bangko; marami kaming mga fernandez pets) is perilously close to death by creative starvation.

another thing is, i figured i should just write about something as it pops up in my memory. i nearly went insane backdating my puerto galera posts and trying to keep them in chronological order.

there's actually a lot more to write about singapore this time around. and nyah-hah-hah, i'm not going to give singapore any credit for it AT ALL. i'm chalking it up to two things: getting up early and not snacking. oh and over 200SGD worth of shopping vouchers. hehe. kidding aside, singapore's still not my favorite place in the world, but i guess there's something to be said about traveling with someone whose company you enjoy immensely.

upcoming posts will include thoughts on: positively perplexing singapore trends, the woodsman (starring my ever lovey kevin bacon), my five-hour rainforest hike, prophetic dreams about the perfect foundation, a culinary journey through lah-lah land, getting bumped up to business class AND MORE!

so stay tuned, ok? yes sir jojo, i'm talking to you. :-)


  1. You talkin' to me? hehehe... syempre I await with bated breath the lah-lah land diaries. talaga? na-update ka to business class? kainez... chiz...

  2. ay chaka... UPGRADE! I meant UPGRADE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! anubuh...

  3. How about "The task of honing the ACS into a world class choir is absolutely Sisyphean"? crou-crou...
