
Thursday, July 14

I knew it

my month-long indulgence in unlimited broadband and wifi has turned me into an internet junkie.

why else would i be up at this ungodly hour, when i have to get up bright and early at 8am for an appointment (okay, an interview), hanging on for dear life to this stupid 33.6 kbps prepaid dial-up connection?

help. i actually sensed it on my second or third week in singapore, when i would spend an entire day just curled up in bed with lulu. i can see myself growing hollow-eyed (or bug-eyed, or both) and pale, sort of like a smeagol for the 21st century. i tried to stave off that imminent doom today by wearing a bright turquoise sweater, coral-colored lipgloss and wearing my hair long and curly. go figure.

the most pathetic thing is that i've become an internet junkie about eight years too late. god i can remember when i was in high school and everyone had just discovered the net. you could barely tear people away from their computers. now here i am, 23 years old and just beginning my online life. i'm such a dork.

the interview, by the way, is something that i'm going to more out of curiosity than anything. i found a want ad for subtitlers (yes, those people who put subtitles on movies and crap) and i'm dying to know how much they get paid, what makes a good vs. bad subtitler and what the workload is like. it should make an interesting post at the very least.

i'm sorry this made no sense. it must be the icky downstream rate of this stupid connection. toodle-loo.

1 comment:

  1. one easily gets spoiled with office/broadband internet. so spoiled we are that a regular 33 or even 54kbps connection doesn't cut it out anymore.

    and to think we were very happy then with a 12 or 24kbps connection :)
