
Friday, October 7

And so we meet again

the tv and i.

i am not a tv person. i haven't sat down and watched tv for a loooong time. the tv habit died in college, when we actually lived in a house without a tv for quite some time and when i actually got a life that made me incredibly busy (it was called glee club).

it was actually a good thing, i think -- sort of a coming of age, signaling my evolution from the little girl who actually wrote "watching tv" under "hobbies" in those autograph books from merit that got passed around a lot in grade school.

this week, however, i got to have lots and lots of tv background noise while working, if only not to go insane from writing about the finer points of norwegian cruise ships.

it was a rather inglorious reunion between the boob tube (a.k.a. the glass teat, as
maggie so helpfully points out) and i. i seem to have caught the void left by recently concluded addictive shows such as rockstar: inxs, or i work during the hours when all the crappy shows are on, or skycable just really sucks. i managed to rustle up a few thoughts on it, though.
  • denise keller is a decent host, although her face is kind of a sablay donita rose.
  • what on earth has that hottie utt done to his hair? it makes him look oddly like vic sotto.
  • i really like the new video for sponge cola's "gemini." i was first caught by TA's ricky abadreciting the opening lines of romeo and juliet. after that i was a goner. the video was shot entirely in ateneo grade school's henry lee irwin theater (one of the sites of my very first date -- i kid you not), and it works on more levels than one. props to the director, who's probably atenean. the song itself ain't bad either.
  • if i hear mymp's "specially for you" one more time, i'm going to barf. especially when the girl vocalist repeatedly sings "oh-so-true" in a vastly irritating, far too precious, small-mouthed way. pet peeve ko yang mga nagpapaliit ng boses.
  • i don't like emo bands. filipino or foreign, they're just so frigging WHINY. unfortunately, every other band played on myx seems to be an emo band. they all sound alike. i can't tell them apart. (this is a sign that i may be officially growing old.) buti pa si bamboo.
  • i know 24 is a really addictive show, but i just can't get into it. i am just way too late in the game. *hangs head*
  • i'm really scared of turning into sharon cuneta someday. the mega is truly MEGA GINORMOUS in her new pH care ad -- and all the camera angling, contoured blush, layered hairdos and poncho tops in the world can't hide it.
  • wow. i can't believe angel (the series) is still alive. i had very low expectations for it.

1 comment:

  1. hgahaha! o my god.. YES Sharon Cuneta is MEGA! scary! they even shoot just HALF of her face to make her look a teeny bit smaller.. hehehe
