
Wednesday, October 5


i'm in a very comfy place wrapped up in something big and fluffy. i don't feel like taking advantage of the broadband here to do my work.

good thing jeline had a new survey up on her blog. all you procrastinators are welcome to it as well.

gimme five

- of your favorite music videos of all time?
1. frozen by madonna
2. living on the edge by aerosmith (i used to slow-mo this like 10x a day back in my eddie furlong obsession phase)
3. why by annie lennox

gosh. i haven't watched mtv in a loooong while.

- karaoke tunes you always sing along to?
1. secret by madonna
2. time after time by tuck and patti
3. strong enough by sheryl crow
4. something baduy/anything from manila sound, just for fun
5. take a bow by madonna (gadzooks i am now officially out of my madonna closet)

- things you can’t leave home without?
1. wallet
2. phone
3. house keys
4. lipstick
5. liquid blush

- places you’d like to visit?
1. scandinavia
2. india
3. greece (for my former bro-to-be patrick's wedding next year... huhuhu)
4. palawan
5. cambodia or vietnam

- things you want to do in the next five years?
1. study music
2. earn money (hala! e di pa'no na yung no. 1?)
3. lose at least 15 lbs. (preferably not over five years. ngayon na! haha)
4. get hitched
5. do something new -- color my hair, learn to cook, etc.


- who is the person you disagree with the most?
my family, hehe

- who is the person you’ve been infatuated with the most?
let's not name names

- who is the person you know who has the freest spirit?
hmm. several people, of whom the first to come to mind is patrick.

- who is the person with whom you can really let your hair down?

- who is the person you absolutely can’t get along with, no matter how hard you try?
again, let's not name names. but the glee club kiddies will know the answer to this. and truth be told, i don't try very hard to get along with her.

ahh, love

- on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest), how important is being in love to you?
3.5? there's more to love (and life) than being in love. maybe because i don't have to worry about it anymore.

- ever had an unrequited love?
yes. it was quite embarrassing.

- should your past be an open book to your significant other and vice-versa?
yes. just don't volunteer every single gory detail.

- can you really forgive AND forget?
for the really big things, maybe not at the same time.

- what are the surefire relationship killers in your book?
infidelity, lack of ambition or passion, abusive behavior

i’m too sexy

- what is your sexiest body part?
my eyes? i also have very nice feet, if you're into that kind of thing.

- when do you feel sexiest?
when i'm all dressed up and wearing very nice heels

- what do you find sexiest in the opposite sex?

- who is the sexiest woman ever?
hmm. angelina jolie comes to mind.

- who is the sexiest man ever?
why can't i think of anyone?

bottomless belly alert

- how do you eat your oreo?
in three bites

- if you could bring back one beverage, candy or junk food you loved from your youth, which one would it be?
chickadees, with the free fake tattoos

- which country’s cuisine is your favorite?
italian, indian, thai

- which fast-food chain rocks your world?

- which grub or drink would you consider naming (or have you named) your child after?
(san) miguel. i'd name a dog bailey ('s).


- if the world were to end in an hour, whom would you want to spend your last hour with?
my family and my boyfriend. but he'd probably want to spend it with his family too, so it would be the two of us, his family, my family and everyone's choices in a big party.

- what is the best single deed that a stranger has done for you?
i'm stumped. but i'm usually bowled over by random acts of politeness, since they're so rare.

- if your best friend turned out to be gay, how would it affect your relationship?
no biggie. but since marlon is also sort of my best friend, if he turned out to be gay it would absolutely kill me.

- if you could somehow belong to a TV or movie family, which would you want it to be?
the sterlings of robotech. miriya rocks.

- which TV or movie spouse do you wish were yours?
max sterling, so i could be miriya. 'cause she rocks.

never say never

- what is the one job you’d never want to do?
security guard

- where in the world would you never want to live in?
afghanistan under the taliban

- what TV show would you never watch?
any koreanovela or chinovela

- what food would you never want to eat?
ha. madami. i'm a picky eater.

- what sport would you never want to even try?
basketball. i suck at sports.

say who?

- who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect?
i don't know. i've never felt really protective of anyone over a long period of time. i think the closest i got was last week at jay-j's when i told jona i'd only buy him one beer. or maybe maggie.

- who has made the strongest (good or bad) first impression on you?
as a unit, the de pano sisters! as an individual, the ex laid quite a whopper on me

- who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?
marami! i'm so fortunate to have such interesting friends. i think sir jojo has a really interesting life, shame he never blogged about it again!

- who is the person you know who has the purest soul?
all of my friends' extremely cute kids

- who is the most intimidating person you’ve ever met?
ramon sunico, haha. so many people load-revved out of his class after the first meeting (i didn't, but he was still intimidating). i also get intimidated by very skinny gorgeous people.

i’ll be there for you

- what one quality is most important to you in a friend?

- what one offense will make you cut ties with a friend?
a serious betrayal

- would you tell on a friend who’s cheating on his or her partner?
if i was good enough friends with the partner. but otherwise, i don't think so.

- on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate yourself as a friend?
3.5-4? i have my antisocial moments

- can men and women really be just good friends?
yes. quite a few of my best friends in high school were guys, even though i was from an all-girls school

to the max

- what makes you happiest?
music, being with marlon, doing well

- what makes you angriest?
sheer idiocy. i would also say violence against women, but i think that makes me more sad than angry.

- what makes you laugh the hardest?
my acs friends (especially chris ong!), my boyfriend in his silly moods and when he sings along to the radio or tv

- what makes you cry the quickest?
frustration, especially when it comes to my future

- what makes you fall in love the deepest?
being treated like a queen

this or that

- daytime or nighttime?

- movie theater or DVD?
theater. DVDs are just a way to catch up with whatever i missed in the movie theater.

- mac or PC?
pc, shoot me

- betty or veronica?
veronica, because she dresses fabulously, has blue-black hair and isn't a doormat

- chandler, joey or ross?
ross. i love cute, endearing nerds


if a movie were to be made about your life…

- what kind of a movie would it be?
funny at times, maybe slow and a little dreamy. sana something like before sunset. hehe.

- who would star as your fabulous self?
me! i've always wanted to be famous. ehehe.

- who would star as the leading man/lady?
i don't know.

- who would star as the antagonist?
ruffa gutierrez! haha

- how will the movie end?
ambiguously but hinting at happiness

back to life

- what TV show would you like back for another season?
friday the 13th

- what movie would you like remade and with whom starring in it?
the last unicorn, if only to get jeff bridges' voice out of my head.

- what song would you like rehashed and by whom?
enough remakes! enough!

- who do you wish was still alive today?
my dad

- what discontinued product do you wish was back in the market?
kao feather shampoo

1 to 5

- what’s one word to describe your current state of mind?

- what are two words to describe what you want more than anything?
happy ending

- what are three words to describe your best friend?
fun, happy, strong

- what are four words to describe your family?
kikay, strong-willed, small,

- what are five words to describe where you see yourself ten years from now?
busy, happy, settled, challenged, proud

chances are

given the chance…

- what reality show would you want to join?
singapore idol. i think it would be really easy to win. hehe.

- what award would you want to receive?

- what discovery would you want to make?
a cure or a new specie

- what dream vacation would you want to take?
a six-month luxury junket around europe

- which famous person would you want to befriend?
neil gaiman! yay!

music & me part I

- if you were trapped in a stairway, who would you wanna be claustrophobic with?

- what or who is your sweetest taboo?
oodles and oodles of dark chocolate

- do rainy days and Mondays get you down?
rainy days no, mondays yes

- can two people truly be together forever?
yes, said the hopeless romantic

- when was the last time you were bluer than blue?
after my first european tour in 2000. that was a baaaad time

music & me part II

- what do you do when love is gone?
move on

- are moonlight serenades hot or not?
maybe not hot. more like sweet

- who is the greatest leader of the band of all time?

- how deep is your love?
deep enough to drown the commitment phobe that i almost was two years ago

- what or who do you always save a prayer for?
my family, my boyfriend, and the country.


in life…

- what is your biggest regret?
holding on to the first impression for too long ;-P

- what is your biggest dream?
to pursue what i believe will truly make me complete

- what is your biggest frustration?
letting the big fat dark cloud of insecurity and guilt hang over me

- what is your biggest achievement?
planning the glee club tour, learning to let go

- what is your biggest global concern?
poverty, violence against women

1 comment:

  1. hohum... i see blog-spammers got into yours hehehe got tons on my son's blog..

    that was quite a LOOOOONG meme/survey/quiz... interesting tho :)
