Tuesday, April 10

Googoo&gaga in Holland

Marlon and I went through a Discovery Weekend for couples a few months before we got married. One of the couples we met (briefly) that weekend was graphic designer AJ Dimarucot and his then-bride-to-be, Audrey David. I was a (low-profile) fan of AJ and wanted to commission one of his lightboxes, but I got too busy with the wedding and moving to Singapore to push through with an order.

When Audrey and AJ started their clothing brand googoo&gaga in 2008, I became an instant fan. I fell in love with their super cute art-driven onesies, proudly designed and made in the Philippines, and wished I could stock up on all of their designs for my future baby. I knew that was a little absurd since babies were not on our conjugal agenda then, so I racked my brain for weeks to find a pregnant or new mommy friend to gift with a googoo&gaga onesie.

On a visit home in December 2008, I met up with Audrey for a quick catch-up and to buy onesies for our managing director in London and the wife of a close family friend in Greece (yes, I was really stretching). Since then, awesome things have happened to this awesome pair, including a launch in France at the Playtime Paris trade show last year. I've followed their success online, and I'm still a fan. 

A few months ago, Audrey asked me on Facebook if I was going to be busy in July. She told me that googoo&gaga was going to participate in Kleine Fabriek (Little Factory), an international trade fair for children's fashion, shoes and accessories, in Amsterdam this summer and that they needed a booth manager. Would I be interested?

I would have liked to say that I immediately shouted HELL YES! In reality, I was set to drive to Belgium that weekend for a summer music festival featuring my favorite flamenco-metal duo, Rodrigo y Gabriela. But after a few days, I made the decision to put my festival tickets up for sale online. Then I said HELL, YES. So I am now officially one of googoo&gaga's two booth managers for Kleine Fabriek in July. Yay!

Last week, I got a package in the mail from Angelique Villaraza-Dominici, googoo&gaga's partner in France. I loooove getting packages in the mail!

Inside was a colorful printed canvas tote from SM Kultura and a sweet handwritten note from Angelique.

And inside that, was something I've always wanted...

... my very own stash of googoo&gaga onesies!!!

Angelique sent me samples from googoo&gaga's very first collection, which she had previously owned. Speaking as a booth manager, I'm perfectly happy to use these for promoting the brand here and give them away to press or buyers as needed.

But... I'm also hoping I get to keep them for myself! #selfish

You can see why. Quirky, colorful, and more than just a little rock n' roll, googoo&gaga onesies are also incredibly soft thanks to a special printing technique called sublimation.

Looking at them totally gives me baby pangs. Future little Marlon/little Deepa would totally rock these. (I kind of wish the future would hurry up already.) 

But it also makes me really excited for Kleine Fabriek in July. It will be my first time working at an international trade show—not to mention for a brand of which I am a huge fan. Thank you for the opportunity, Angelique and Audrey! Can't wait. 


  1. I love googooandgaga! My daughter already has a onesie, a lap tee and 2 dresses from them. And I'll probably buy more! Aside from the amazing art work, I love that the material is the softest! She doesn't get irritated at all (my daughter has very sensitive skin).  

  2. Trade show! Doesn't it remind you of your previous work? LOL. 

    Those are really cute!

  3. In fairness, di ko naisip LOL. Never naman ako nakatungtong ng CSF dati eh. I have a feeling (slight lang naman) that this will be infinitely more fun!

  4. Aww. Ako nga na walang daughter, I want to buy more! 

  5. when they launched, gusto ko rin bumili for my future kids! hangkyotkyot lang kasi! thinking of stocking up now since may stock na ulit yung onesies i want hehehe :) i'm a big fan of the brand and of angelique too. peg ko siya! ;p

  6. thats gonna be exciting deeps! tiring but exciting! you'll meet a lot of people! ;)

  7. Super kyot talaga. So happy to have onesies from the first collection!

  8. I know I'm super excited! Madonna concert the night before, so I'm sure it will be tiring talaga!
