Thursday, May 10

My life in weekends

last weekend, i watched one of my dearest high school friends marry the love of her life in a beautiful, intimate, all-white sunset wedding in one of boracay's most exclusive resorts. the night before, i'd gone night swimming in the ocean (totally piss drunk) for the very first time. i spent zero on accommodations, and even less on food. my biggest splurge was a lemon cheesecake at lemon cafe.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

the weekend before that, i flew to boracay for the very first time in my life on an all-expense paid writing job for the star. my travel time to boracay -- about 2.5 hours back and forth -- was probably longer than the time i spent actually working, if you call chit-chatting, watching a photographer and ogling buff dragonboat rowers working. i stayed three days.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and this weekend, i am flying with the love of my life, and a handful of my fabulous officemates, to spend the weekend swimming with the world's biggest living species of fish -- the whale sharks of donsol, sorsogon.

i am darker than i've ever been. ever! well maybe since grade school when we went to the beach practically every weekend, and we had a pool in the backyard. this is the first summer in a long, long, looong time that i've actually had a tan.

so in short, life is good.


there were times these past few weeks that i just stopped and said to myself -- wow. i have a life that allows wonderful things like these to happen. this is my life.

i never thought it could be this good. i have a life that allows wonderful things like these to happen. i would have said even the in-betweens -- but i just realized there are none.

and instead of waiting for the proverbial anvil to drop out of nowhere, i'm looking up and seeing nothing -- absolutely nothing -- overhead. just a brilliantly blue summer sky.

it's my life, all of it -- and i'm loving every minute.

oh. and i promise to blog about and post pictures of these weekends. they were just too good not to share in detail. :-)


  1. i have been waiting WAITING for you to write actually. hahaha, parang i haven't seen you in a while and missed you :) of course - when you finally did write again.. it was about that doll. hahaha, yap, a second of disappointment there. anyhu, your photos are lovely! and your upcoming weekend is making me green with envy! I've had friends who've gone and have told me it's fabuloush!

    Oh and REALLY coinkydinkyly - i noticed that one of the things on your wish list is duWop venom! i snagged a surprise teeny box of it on my bday. how about i trade you it for your weekend? ;) hehehe. see you soonest!


  2. hi deepa! glad to read something else aside from the doll too. :D

    you are so lucky to have such a good life! nakakainggit!! =>


  3. couldn't stop laughing about the doll comments above... but, yeah, actually ako rin natuwa na ito ang entry mo. hehe.

    looking forward to more kuwento and lotsa pictures. :)

  4. haha as all of you gathered, i was obsessed with jareth for a really, really long time. as in OA talaga. but anyway that's kinda over now :-)

    pia -- for a second there i actually thought you were going to give me your lip venom. bona! haay i remember getting together with mirang some time ago and she promised to give me some on my birthday. nahihiya lang ako hingin cos that was such a long time ago. haha!

    nette and reens: hehe don't worry i decided to be generous with pics and details this time around. so there'll be more to read, promise :-)

    jon: mana sa 'yo, dear. haha! i love, love, love my tan. incidentally, marlon loves it too ;-) i'm seriously considering getting a spray tan for my wedding!

  5. aww deeps you're gorgeous!

    ps. i love your blog :) hehe
