Thursday, October 4

Simple pleasures

two people telling me yesterday that i lost so much weight. guess last week's mysterious spotty illness thing was good for something after all.

gids last night at dinner: "i'm having deepa withdrawal!" (awww. i'll miss you too gids.)

two lovely compliments from arvy last night, also at dinner. "you have beautiful eyes!" (thank you, north park lighting!) and "i just discovered tonight that i love your sense of humor!" thank you, thank you!

alternately making aljor chortle and giving him the heebie-jeebies with over things the boyf and i say to each other when we get on it and fight.

the boyf's facebook photo.

(shameless confession: i'm so glad he's finally on facebook so i can go on the web and look at this picture at random times during the workday. isn't he hot? *all a-flutter*)

alicia keys' new single on the radio while driving to work. she's the shiznit.

the quick, easy and relatively traffic-free drive to the office, plus the perfect parking spot on samar street. wow, now there's so much incentive to actually be on time to work.

a whiff of newly mown grass walking from my parking street to the jamboree gate. i looooove newly mown grass. i used to stick my head out the window when the field was being mown back in high school. plus i used to have gap's grass scent. sana they start making it again.

(it's a) happy thursday, everyone :-)

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