Monday, June 2

Back from Lothlorien

i have left the kingdom of the dewy, glowing and eternally youthful elves and am now back home where i feel less ugly. singapore is being surprisingly kind in an effort to welcome me back -- it's much less humid than when i left a week ago, and when i walked to the corner chinese restaurant to meet marlon for dinner, there was even a cool breeze. thus the adjustment from the gloriously dry and cool spring in seoul to the sweltering humidity of singapore much easier.

it was my first time to come home to cactus drive and feel like it was really home. the last two trips have been to the philippines, so it was always a journey from familiar (cactus drive in singapore) to familiar (home in mandaluyong) and back. this time, traveling to somewhere truly foreign (seoul) then back to familiar really made me feel like this was my home. the relief, the comfort of being in surroundings that i had created was more pronounced that it had ever been.

i spent the day being bangag but thankfully still managed to get some work done. i wrote my first-ever quotation for copywriting services (this sample was a helpful guide) and rewrote a press release for a long-time client back in manila. 

other than that, i indulged in decadently unproductive pastimes both old (a few episodes of gossip girl, the usual round of daily internet haunts) and new (surfing for my entry point into the land of designer handbags). the handbag thing seems to be a seoul hangover. the past week has made me conscious of two things i never gave a fig about prior to the trip: bags and skincare. after a while i just decided to stuff it -- do i really need to spend time finding more ways to spend money that i'm not making yet? :P

i'm looking forward to getting back into the groove of writing and really taking the new macbook out to write. apart from articles due for two different singapore magazines (i'm happy to be getting more freelance commissions!), i have a week's worth of seoul snapshots and stories to blog about! it boggles the mind that i actually only blogged about my first few hours in seoul yet it was already enough for quite a few posts. so much happened from monday evening all the way till yesterday... and i'm excited to share every last detail. 

but that's tomorrow. tonight is for reclaiming the familiar: reading in bed with my husband, legs entangled, bedside lamps glowing.

good night!

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