Wednesday, January 18

His & hers

You know you're getting old when you start giving and getting appliances for Christmas.

This is a little late, but we only opened Christmas gifts when we got back to Amsterdam early this month. So... yes! Marlon's Christmas gift to me was a sewing machine. And yes, I sew! Or at least I've started learning to. 

I signed up for a weekly sewing class in September last year, and I really enjoy it. I'm a complete beginner—I've never made anything on a sewing machine in my life—but I've managed to produce one dress and a heap of cushion covers. My teacher is this beautiful Portuguese power granny who is the sweetest lady ever, and has made learning so much fun. I'm looking forward to expanding my sewing skills this year, and this gift is perfect for that!

For my gift to Marlon, I decided to surprise him with something he's been lusting after for quite a while now—a Nespresso machine. We had one in our temporary apartment when we first moved here (a full year ago, how time flies!) and we both enjoyed using it, especially Marlon. 

Too bad it was a complete FAIL in the surprise department. The day we left for Manila, I made this big production of making Marlon stay in another room while I wrapped the Nespresso machine. Then I hid it behind the armchair in the living room. But I was so harassed that day, I actually left the empty paper bag with the giant Nespresso logo on it right in the middle of the living room... and forgot all about it! 

Nice guy that he is, Marlon didn't let on that he knew what my gift was until Christmas. Boy, did I feel like a huge dolt. But he loves it and uses it every day. If he's happy, then I'm happy too!

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