![]() | You scored as Slut.
What type of girl are you?!! created with QuizFarm.com |
now this didn't make me go "hmmm". more like "hmmmph."
![]() | You scored as Slut.
What type of girl are you?!! created with QuizFarm.com |
Antisocial vampires are addicted to excitement. They’re called antisocial vampires not because they don’t like parties, but because they’re heedless of social rules. These vampires love parties. They also love sex, drugs, rock n’ roll, and anything else stimulating. They hate boredom worse than a stake through the heart. All they want out of life is a good time, a little action, and immediate gratification of their every desire.
Of all the vampires, Antisocials are the sexiest, the most exciting, and the most fun to be around. People take to them easily and quickly, and just as quickly get taken. Aside from momentary fun, these vampires don’t have much to give back. Ah, but those moments!
-- From "Emotional Vampires", by Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D.
sound like anyone you know? 'cause it sure as hell sounds like someone i know.
okay, okay, i'll quit it with the self-help books/muni-muni already. it's back to the behemoth tomorrow, anyway.
“he’s just not that into you” claims to be the no-excuses guide to understanding men, the premise being that we women just love to make excuses for anomalous guy behavior (he’s afraid of intimacy, he’s just really busy, he’s rebounding, he’s not ready for commitment, he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship) when it can all be explained in one neat sentence.
because a guy who really is into you will jump through hoops to get your number, spend time with you, and make you happy. i used to hear this a lot from my mom, but it only became utterly real to me when i met marlon. (insert “awwwww” here.)
some choice passages from the book:
i wish greg behrendt and liz tuccillo, the authors, had written their book much earlier, so i could have discovered it when i was much younger and so into making excuses for my ex’s behavior. back then, neneng-me didn’t have the guts to call a spade a spade, and neither did he. (no, this is not a booty call. i just want to hang out with you. yeah, yeah, yeah.)
the great thing about this book is that it tells you (in sharp, direct, and very un-self helpy language) to do just that.
highly recommended for singletons. and you committed people might as well get it too, because you’ll feel so absolutely wonderful that you’ve found that fabulous person the authors promise is out there, somewhere, for each one of us – the antithesis to the person you so stupidly made all those excuses for, once upon a time.
what can i say, j? i guess great minds do think alike! ;-)
hey there, shopping lovergoodness. thinking of a title for today's post brought me back momentarily to back in the day when "px goods" were such a big thing, and you heard this annoying jingle on the radio all the time (followed by joaqui trillo's endorsement spiel. what was a sportscaster doing endorsing a shopping club anyway?). and you had to troop all the way to subic or clark to get things like clairol herbal essences shampoo. now you can get "px goods" at practically any grocery. chalk up points for free trade. free trade nga ba?
at p-x-club you'll discover
a __________ in store for you (does anyone remember this part?)
you won't believe it's true
do not a happy strumpet make.
pota. i'm learning the hard way just what goes into launching a new show (or in my case, a new season of a long-running show). there are all these requirements for monday that i only realized i had to do TODAY. nyaaaargh.
the deadly duo of pms and work is creating in me a serious, potentially debilitating urge to go shopping. i have decided to get myself a new pair of work-friendly pants or bermuda shorts, a hipper laptop bag and a new book. i may or may not throw a pair of sandals and a bronze blusher into the bargain. it doesn't seem i'll have any free weekends in the immediate future, though.
in the meantime, thankfully, there are little pleasures one can cling to, such as:
and of course, there's therapeutic blogging.
in other news, i will have my first artista photo shoot on sunday. jologs me will check in with y'all after then.