Thursday, June 16

Book nerd

yay mika for tagging everyone!

Total Number of Books Owned:

ugh. i used to own tons when i was younger, but we lost almost everything moving around. i was also a pretty irresponsible lender (or were other people irresponsible borrowers?). now i'm pegging my collection at about 50.

Last Book I Bought:

from loren to marimar: the philippine media in the 1990s. it's an anthology of reports by the pcij. we had to read something from this book for a class in sophomore year. saw it recently at mag:net and decided i had to have it. it's a really good buy.

Last Book I Read:

i started the taking by dean koontz before i left, but he's been really nakakawalang-gana to read.

Currently Reading:

from loren to marimar.

Five Books That Mean a Lot to Me that I Really Like:

a swiftly tilting planet by madeleine l'engle
-- bought to enlarge the unicorn collection i had when i was a kid, only because it had a unicorn in it. now one of my most loved books.

indian style, edited by angelika taschen -- actually not a novel. it's full of pictures of art, architecture and interiors of india. i regularly thumb through it for inspiration on various things. i xeroxed a picture of a window onto acetate for one of the collages i made for marlon, and my color of my deep pink bedroom wall was based on the book's cover.

over europe by jan morris -- a huge, huge book of bird's eye-view photos of europe. i go through it when i feel senti. marlon bought it for me.

twisted -- the series. cheating, i know. i read a lot of jessica zafra in late high school. i think my early writing style was influenced by her -- opinionated, a tad acerbic (but not full-fledged bitchy) and slanted towards non-fiction. i migrated away from being a zafra clone as the twisted series progressed. i think both she and i mellowed and grew up. a note from doreen on one of my second sem, freshman year papers -- "you don't try as hard anymore."

the giver by lois lowry -- a serendipitous buy that has become one of my all-time favorite books. went into my philo orals armed with this book for pogi points -- doc garcia liked it when people quoted from books other than the assigned material. it presumably meant that you were seeing philosophy everywhere.

special mentions: the art of travel by alain de botton and the griffin and sabine trilogy by nick bantock. the first for its truth and the second for its unceasing ability to drive me to the sketch pad.

Tag five of your friends:

hmmm. i think i'll share the love equally. this is up for grabs, everyone.


i'm sorry. i'm being boring. actually, i'm being lazy. the past few days have been really great and i'm not blogging about them. i will soon -- i have to before they drift away into oblivion.