Tuesday, June 14

Day 2 as a desperate housewife

well, not really desperate. i just feel so housewifely sitting around doing nothing all day except have meals with your beloved. i lounged around by the poolside for most of the morning, cramming for my mediacorp test. felt extra housewifely as i was the only person in sight. not even the other housewives were by the poolside.

the big event of the day was the mediacorp test, after lunch with marlon. cabbed to the mediacorp hq on andrew road, which is surrounded by a singapore oddity: a whole stretch of houses. really big houses. maybe that's where mediacorp sticks all its 'artistes.' (they actually call them that by the way. the 'e' bugs me no end. so pretentious. can you imagine being asked what you do for a living, and replying 'oh, i'm an artiste', with no compunctions at all?)

after weaving through the maze that was mediacorp, i sat down and took my test. glad i did that last-minute cramming--the bulk of the test was about stuff that i read just this morning. and i think i actually took the exact same test as someone i know. there was a whole identification part that reminded me of the acronyms test at global sources, which i totally botched up. thankfully, i was better prepared for this one. missed three out of ten -- i had absolutely no idea what the anti-secession law, donald tsang and H2N1 were.

the other parts of the test were current events and writing tv news reports. i think i did fairly well, i mean i knew the issues they were asking about and i know how to construct a news report. but i can't help but think i could have been more articulate. (i often feel this way about myself after i go through something that's a big deal for me.) am i just being too harsh on myself? guess i'll have to wait out the week and see if mediacorp proves me wrong.

The kikay machine

the still-unnamed laptop is helping me get back to my rakets. just accepted an essay writing gig from my regular raket supplier... due tomorrow at 7am. while i feel slightly guilty at the thought of tap-tap-tapping away while the boyf is happily snoring, i couldn't pass up the work. after all, that's why he got me this thing at the first place.

i haven't made any headway in naming my new baby, although marlon already calls it the kikay machine. i'm inclined to name it after a character in a favorite prepubescent work of fiction. there are already some contenders. i was toying with elizabeth after the good wakefield twin, or ned after nancy drew's faithful boyfriend. (cons: elizabeth is a bit of a mouthful, and while i've always wanted to be nancy drew, ned should technically be marlon.) someone from return to oz perhaps: ozma (beautiful and good?) or mombi (beautiful and bad)? i've actually looked in a baby name book. the best i could come up with was mahalia, which means powerful and also connotes expensive.

stumped. suggestions are welcome.