what a week it has been. our acting boss was out of the country for a trade show, and our most senior team member was knocked down by an acute respiratory tract infection -- for the whole frigging week. so i had to shunt most of my job-hunting appointments to after office hours, resulting in a LOT of shuttling back and forth during rush hour.
thankfully, though i've been busy this week, i haven't been stressed. yes, i am officially on exit mode. still acting honorably though, much to my own puzzlement. when my alarm rings at 6am, i often find myself wondering why on earth i'm still making the effort to haul my ass to the office by 730am. and when having the overtime slip signed, i ask myself why i still care about putting our copy out on time, or putting it out clean.
but the fact is, i do. i get the itchies when i get my hands on dirty copy. pasalamat sila oc-oc ako.
meanwhile, i believe i have a date with a large, bald man on monday.
my room is a colossal mess. i'm making my second-anniversary gift for marlon, which is basically a series of collages. that's about as much as i'm willing to say about it, for now.
i'm doing something creative, which is making me quite happy. i'm doing something for marlon, which has made me very teary-eyed at least twice in the five hours i've been working on it. the weather is cooperating -- i hear rain and feel a cool breeze wafting in from outside my window.
it's a good saturday.
i just had the pictures from our one-year anniversary developed (we spent it in singapore together).
i would like to issue a public apology to anyone and everyone i ignored, snapped at, fought, and was generally nasty to for calling me fat at that point in my life.
you were right. i concede. i was indeed very, very, very fat.
i am so glad i don't look like that anymore. maybe the south beach diet wasn't that much of a failure.
on a lighter note, the fact that marlon and i have changed body types and hairstyles since those pictures were taken is a happy symptom of how long we've been together.
(ok so maybe we haven't exactly changed body types yet. we're just... a little less the gourmands we were last year. but getting there. hee hee.)