marlon and i had actually already agreed on this anniv gift for me, but i was still so bowled over by it, i actually let him take my picture in this gnarly early morning hairdo.
i think my past year working for a computer magazine prepared me for this moment. i actually got teary-eyed when i saw the little intel centrino sticker and the one that said Intel Pentium M 740 1.73GHz, 15.4-inch WXGA wide LCD, 60GB HDD, DVD-Dual, FireWire, 256MB DDR, 802.11b/g WLAN, Bluetooth and PCI Express.
no joke, my eyes got misty. i turned to him and hugged him, saying, "wow. you really love me."
i'm in singapore now living my pseudo desperate housewives existence. (before anyone freaks out, this is not permanent ok? just here until next wednesday.) surfing around a bit before i go to meet marlon for lunch. just surfing--i have absolutely zero software installed on this thing and have to wait till i get back home to pirate-friendly manila.
i plan to take a stack of time and economist magazines down to the pool this afternoon in preparation for my test tomorrow at mediacorp's channel newsasia. i am so excited about that, and am trying to stay normal (i.e. not excited) so i won't botch it up. wish me luck.
the past weekend was long and tiring, but very fulfilling.
i said goodbye to the factory. but hopefully not to the friends i made there.
marlon and i celebrated two years together. and hopefully more.
more on those later. meanwhile, i have to figure out a name for my new baby.